Bulletin 17th September, 2023

Family of Parishes

The priests of our family of parishes met last Monday to explore the possibilities offered by this new association of parishes. The main outcome was to offer the next Alpha programme to the three parishes: See details below. A meeting will be held shortly with representatives of the three parish assemblies. Fiacra Bracken and Maeve Kennedy will represent our parish.

Fr Pat Stevenson, the new Assistant Priest for the family of parishes, will celebrate the Vigil Mass next Saturday. He is a native of the parish and is looking forward to coming here.


A new Alpha course, organised by the Douglas Parish Assembly, starts on Thursday, 12 October, in the Parish Rooms, St Columba’s, and runs for 10 weeks, from 7.30 to 9.00pm each Thursday night. Alpha is an opportunity to explore your faith in an informal and friendly environment. If you’re asking: Who is Jesus? Why did he die? What relevance does Jesus have for our lives today? How can I make the most of the rest of my life?, then Alpha is for you. To register, contact the Parish Office (parishofdouglas@gmail.com / 021 489 4128) or Brian O’Kane (alphateam2023@hotmail.com / 086 244 1633).


A novena in preparation for the feast of St Thérèse of Lisieux will take place in St Joseph’s SMA Church, Blackrock Road, beginning on 23rd September and continuing until 1st October. The novena will be celebrated each evening at 7.30 pm, except on the Saturdays when it will be at 7.00 pm.

New Rotas for Ministers of the Word and Eucharist are available in the sacristy. They take effect from next weekend.

First Communion 2024: 18th May, at 10.30 am.

Recent Deaths:

Mary Dineen, Derrynane Road; Rena Murphy, Percyville, South Douglas Road; Robert Barrett, O’Connell Avenue. We pray for them and sympathise with their families. May they rest in peace.