16th February, 2025
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr Noel O’Sullivan Mobile: 087-2610276 email:
Sacristy: Phone 4317263
Opening Hours, Monday to Thursday, 9.30 am –10.45 am.
Saturday, 5.15 pm – 6.45 pm; Sunday, 9.30 am – 1.00 pm.
Entrance Hymn: As I kneel before you
Ceremony of Light The Ceremony of Light for the young people receiving the sacrament of Confirmation this year will take place on Tuesday at the 10.00 Mass. The Ceremony of Light is a pre-Confirmation ceremony and is an important event in preparing the children for Confirmation. A key part of the service is when parents hand the lighted Baptismal candle to their child, acknowledging that their child is now ready to become a responsible Christian.
Preparing your child for First Communion and Confirmation
Setting up a Prayer Space in your home: A prayer or sacred space is a small area in which you can place symbols that help your child to sense and express that God is present in their lives. Children often use their sacred space at home as an area for the “holy objects” that they accumulate from home, school, relations and parish. It doesn’t have to be complicated. A window sill or corner of a table will do. Place a coloured cloth here with a Candle and any other sacred symbols that appeal to your child. Talk with them about the meaning of the objects & symbols they are placing in their sacred space. They can be changed with the different seasons eg. at Christmas and Easter. N.B. Always supervise children around lighting candles.
Suggestions for praying with your child · Use the prayers your child is learning at school · Ensure that they can pray the Hail Mary and the Our Father · Say a grace before meals when you sit down to eat as a family. · Encourage them to pray for friends & relatives. · Pray with your child before they go to sleep at night. This is a lovely time to talk over their day and to thank God for the good things in our lives and to ask God to bless all the people we love.
Confirmation ceremony 2025: Monday, 24 March The ceremony this year will be celebrated by Bishop Fintan Gavin. This will be his first celebration of Confirmation in this parish.
Second Collection Today: The annual collection in support of our diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes will be taken up at Masses this weekend.
A Mhuire Mháthair
Recessional Hymn: Hail Redeemer King Divine
Hail Redeemer King Divine
priest and lamb the throne is thine king whose reign shall never cease prince or everlasting peace
Refrain Angels saints and nations sing praised be Jesus Christ our king Lord of life, earth, sky and sea king of love on Calvary
King, whose name creation thrills,
Rule our hearts, our minds, our wills; Till in peace, each nation rings With thy praises, King of kings.
Refrain |