Bulletin 8th December

Second Sunday of Advent

Fr Noel O’Sullivan   Mobile: 087-2610276 email: noscork@gmail.com

Website: turnerscross.com


Sacristy:     Phone 4317263             

       Opening Hours, Monday to Thursday, 9.30 am –10.45 am.

       Saturday, 5.15 pm – 6.45 pm; Sunday, 9.30 am – 1.00 pm.



O Come, O Come, Emmanuel


O come, O come, Emmanuel

And ransom captive Israel

That mourns in lonely exile here

Until the Son of God appear.


Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel


O come, O come Thou Lord of might

Who to thy tribes on Sinai’s height

In ancient times didst give the law

In cloud, and majesty and awe


Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel

Shall come to thee, O Israel


Sacrament of Penance/Confession will be offered next weekend after each of the three Masses, Saturday 6.00 pm; Sunday 10.00 am and 12 Noon.

    The Sacrament of Penance (or Confession) is one of the great gifts of the Catholic Church. To get the most from this sacrament it is essential to prepare well. The Sacrament of Penance is above all an act of God’s love; it is a personal moment in a relationship of love with God. It is not a routine to be gone through but very much part of the personal renewal that takes place in each person, especially at Christmas and Easter.

We are invited in the light of God’s love: to recognize the sinfulness of our life; to have a true sorrow for our sins; to have a firm intention to avoid them in the future.

Sin is not merely a series of failures. It is also a sharing in what is really negative and sometimes evil: unbelief, indifference, selfishness; violence, contempt for the weak, eroticism; racism, neglect of the poor; greed, wastefulness; pride and a sense of superiority

Giving Sunday SVP(St Vincent de Paul Society): Sunday 8th December


Shared Mass Cards for Christmas

Thanks to Margaret Barry, these cards are available at the office inside the front entrance to the church.


The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated tomorrow, 9th December. Mass at 10.00 am

The traditional date for this feast is the 8th December but, because it occurs on a Sunday this year, the feast is postponed to the following day. Due to the change of day the feast in not a Holy Day of obligation this year.


Parish Assembly Meets on Monday, 9th December.


Jubilee Year 2025

The Holy Father has announced that 2025 will be a Jubilee Year, something which happens every 25 years. The theme for Jubilee 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope,” and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and the climate crisis.


Recent Deaths:

Marie Lecane, Mount Pleasant Avenue; Michael Cronin, Green Lawn. May they rest in peace. We sympathise with their families and friends and offer the support of our prayers.




Recessional Hymn: I, the Lord of sea and sky


I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin
my hand will save.
I, who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord.  Is it I, Lord?

I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.


I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my words to them.
Whom shall I send?

            Here I am, Lord. ……


Bulletin 1st December



1st December, 2024

First Sunday of Advent


Fr Noel O’Sullivan   Mobile: 087-2610276 email: noscork@gmail.com

Website: turnerscross.com

 Sacristy:     Phone 4317263             

       Opening Hours, Monday to Thursday, 9.30 am –10.45 am.

       Saturday, 5.15 pm – 6.45 pm; Sunday, 9.30 am – 1.00 pm.




Advent is a time of waiting, conversion and hope:

A time of waiting: memory of the first, humble coming of Christ in the flesh.

A time of conversion: this is a significant time to focus on the Sacrament of Penance or Confession.

A time of joyful hope the ‘we shall become like him for we shall see him as he really is’ (John 3:2).


Giving Sunday SVP (St Vincent de Paul Society): Sunday 8th December


New Rotas

Thanks to Maeve Kennedy and Christine O’Neill we have new rotas for the Ministers of Word and Eucharist. They are available on the altar rails.


Diocesan Information Meeting re Year of Prayer, Listening and Discernment launched by Bishop Fintan in September. This meeting takes place today, Dec. 1st in the Rochestown Park Hotel 2.00 to 5.00.


Shared Mass Cards for Christmas

Thanks to Margaret Barry, these cards are available at the office inside the front entrance to the church.


Coffee Morning

This Tuesday, 3rd December, after the 10 am Mass


First Wednesday

The Legion of Mary will lead a prayer service at 10.00 am in the Church.


The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be celebrated on Monday, 9th December. The traditional date for this feast is the 8th December but, because it occurs on a Sunday this year, the feast is postponed to the following day.


Parish Assembly Meets on Monday, 9th December.


Jubilee Year 2025

The Holy Father has announced that 2025 will be a Jubilee Year, something which happens every 25 years. The theme for Jubilee 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope,” and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and the climate crisis.


Recent Deaths:

Liam Collins, Doyle Road; Maureen Doran, Greenhills Estate. May they rest in peace. We sympathise with their families and friends and offer the support of our prayers.




Recessional Hymn: I, the Lord of sea and sky


I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in dark and sin
my hand will save.
I, who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord.  Is it I, Lord?

I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.


I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them.
They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my words to them.
Whom shall I send?

            Here I am, Lord. ……



Bulletin 24 November


Holy God, we praise thy name



Solemnity of Christ the King

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, commonly referred to as the Feast of Christ the King is a relatively recent addition to the liturgical calendar, instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. It was innovative of the diocese of Cork to dedicate its new church in Turner’s Cross to Christ the King. Today we celebrate the anniversary of our church, opened in 1931 by Bishop Coholan. We acknowledge all those who worshipped here over the years and received the sacraments. In particular, given that we are still in the month of November we remember all whose funerals took place here. We thank the many parishioners who enabled the parish to grow and become a true place of worship. Apart from the financial support which the parish received over the years, the personal involvement of people in the service of the parish is truly remarkable. Of course, we are most grateful to those currently involved in ministry and service in Christ the King.

          Today we begin the last week in the current Church year. The new year begins next Sunday, 1st December, which is the first Sunday in Advent.


Giving Sunday SVP (St Vincent de Paul Society): Sunday 8th December



The Election: Voting Matters

‘Every vote counts.  Your vote counts.  Imagine living in a society with no elections, no democratic accountability, no contest of ideas, programmes, or vision.  History shows that such societies are run by the powerful for their own benefit, while freedom of belief and expression are restricted, or even suppressed.  Voting matters because it is how we hold our leaders to account and mandate what we believe to be important…

          Taking the trouble to consider who offers the best prospect of advancing the common good rather than personal interest or advantage is an important exercise in solidarity with our sisters and brothers who are most affected by public policies.  Identifying candidates who have the personal qualities and experience to be effective public representatives is an important judgement.’  Archbishop Dermot Farrell.


Information Meeting re Year of Prayer, Listening and Discernment launched by Bishop Fintan in September. This meeting takes place next Sunday, Dec. 1st in the Rochestown Park Hotel 2.00 to 5.00. The Bishop has invited each parish to send representatives. Please let me know if you would like to attend.


Shared Mass Cards for Christmas

Thanks to Margaret Barry, these cards are available at the office inside the front entrance to the church.


Trócaire Christmas Gifts of Change bring real hope and opportunity to families and communities living with poverty and injustice across our world, and a chance to create lasting and positive change from Somalia to Guatemala, from Sudan to Palestine.  There are gifts for everyone starting at 5 euro for the Gift of Soap.  You can support the gifts by buying them online at trocaire.org/gifts; by phone 1800 408 408/021-4275622; by post or in person to Trócaire, 9, Cook Street, Cork. T12 F583. 




Recent Deaths: Mary Luttrell, late of Capwell Rd; May they rest in peace. We sympathise with their families.


Recessional Hymn: Hail, Redeemer, King Divine


Hail, Redeemer, King Divine

Priest and lamb, the throne is thine;

King whose reign shall never cease,

Prince of everlasting peace.

Angels, saints and nations sing:

‘Praised be Jesus Christ, our King;

Lord of earth and sky and sea,

King of love on Calvary’




Bulletin 17 November


Next Sunday is the Solemnity of Christ the King

This begins the last week in the current Church year. The new year begins the following Sunday, 1st December, which is the first Sunday in Advent.


Shared Mass Cards for Christmas

Thanks to Margaret Barry, these cards will be available from next weekend at the office inside the front entrance to the church.


Cemetery Sunday

It was wonderful to see the crowd attending the prayers and blessing of the graves in St Joseph’s Cemetery last Sunday. A particular word of thanks to Gary Barry who ensures that a public address system is available for this ceremony every year.



CONNECT 5 – an invitation to young adults (18 to 35 years): – Do you want to know more about your faith? There will be a special event for young adults in Devere Hall in UCC on today November 17 th , CONNECT 5.


Afternoon Prayer organised by Cork Pioneers will take place from 2.20 – 4.30 in the Convent of the Missionaries of Charity, Blarney T23 F585

 on Sunday 24th November 2024. Donation €10. For further details contact sorchaol@gmail.com or 086 3642619


Information Meeting re year of Prayer, Listening and Discernment, announced recently by our bishop, Bishop Fintan Gavin. The meeting for our family of parishes is on Sunday, 1st December in the Rochestown Park Hotel. There are still copies of the bishop’s letter available at the back of the church.

The information meetings begin with tea/coffee at 2.00pm and will finish by 5.00pm.

 Please let me know asap if you would like to attend.


Farewell to Jannah and Parents

Many will remember Jannah at the 12 Mass every Sunday with her parents, Grachelle and Jette. Well they moved this week from Evergreen Rd to Carrigtwohill. Jannah received her First Communion in 2023. Her parents are nurses in the Bon Secours hospital. We wish them every blessing in their new home and school and we thank them for the good example they gave to our community here.


Trócaire Christmas Gifts of Change bring real hope and opportunity to families and communities living with poverty and injustice across our world, and a chance to create lasting and positive change from Somalia to Guatemala, from Sudan to Palestine.  There are gifts for everyone starting at 5 euro for the Gift of Soap.  You can support the gifts by buying them online at trocaire.org/gifts; by phone 1800 408 408/021-4275622; by post or in person to Trócaire, 9, Cook Street, Cork. T12 F583. 




Recent Deaths: Betty Cronin, Green Lawn; Sheila Desmond, Greenwood Estate; Anna O’Keeffe, O’Connell Crescent. May they rest in peace. We sympathise with their families.



Bulletin 10 November



Cemetery Prayers The cemetery prayers and blessings will take place in St Joseph’s Cemetery, Tory Top Road, today 10th November, at 2.30 pm. Remember to bring a small container to take the holy water to the grave for the blessing.

Today is the final day of the Novena for the Holy Souls. It was great to see so many people participate in the Masses last weekend and during the week.

Parish Assembly meets on Monday, 11th at 8.00 pm

An evening for those in ministries and services

On Thursday, 7th November, we had the evening of reflection for those involved in parish ministries and services. Fr Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap gave a very inspiring talk, for which we are most grateful.  But the social aspect of the occasion was also most appreciated. Great to sit around with a cup of tea in the hand and mix with friends.

A special thanks is due to the parish assembly members who made this occasion possible. We are thankful of course to the Day Care staff and Board of Management, especially Michael and Frank.


Second Collection today: Youth Ministry Collection

It is not easy to be a young person of faith today. It is important for us to support and encourage our young people in every way we can and encourage them to take part in their local Parish. Sheila Kelleher has begun working as our Diocesan Coordinator for Youth Ministry and there are many youth ministry events planned for the year including Connect 5 (for young adults), Maranatha March 2025 (a faith-based high-energy music event for Post-

Primary school students), the launch of the new Youth Alpha (for teenagers), Altar Server training videos and gatherings to support local Parish ministry. In order for this to happen we need to be able to fund this. Please be as generous as you can as we cannot do this without your support. Investing in our young people is vital for the future of the Church. You may also wish to donate online by scanning the QR Code which takes you directly to our secure donation page.



CONNECT 5 – an invitation to young adults (18 to 35 years): – Do you want to know more about your faith? There will be a special event for young adults in Devere Hall in UCC on Sunday November 17 th , CONNECT 5. It begins at 9.30am and Katie Ascough (Founder of ‘Called to More’), and Fr Columba Jordan CFR will present at this event. The theme is ‘In a troubled world, Dare to Hope’. There will be Mass, quiet time for prayer, confessions, and lunch will be provided. There is a €10 registration fee, search Eventbrite.ie for CONNECT 5 or scan the QR code on posters and flyers Sunday, 17th November Student Centre, UCC

Faith Gathering for young people aged 18-35




Recent Deaths: Breeda O’Neill, Greenwood Court; Joe Doyle, Friars Rd; Kieran Murphy, Friars Rd. May they rest in peace. We sympathise with their families.



Bulletin 3rd November


Novena for the Deceased

The novena for the dead began yesterday, 2nd November and continues until Sundaynext , 10th, inclusive. There will be Mass each day during the Novena at 10 am including the Saturdays and the Wednesday. These Masses will be celebrated for those whose names will be handed in via the envelopes available at the church entrances. The Masses this weekend are for the repose of those who died here in the past year. Their names are placed on the board in the sanctuary. Relatives are invited to take a candle at the entrance and place it lighting on the altar rails for the Mass of your choice this weekend.

Cemetery Prayers

The cemetery prayers and blessings will take place in St Joseph’s Cemetery, Tory Top Road, on Sunday next, 10th November, at 2.30 pm. Remember to bring a small container to take the holy water to the grave for the blessing.

Sacrament of Anointing

The sacrament of anointing will be offered at the 10.00 Mass on Tuesday.

Coffee Morning

This Tuesday after Mass. All welcome

Altar Servers

We are currently inviting children to join our altar servers’ team. Application forms available in the sacristy.

An evening for those in ministries and services

On Thursday next, 7th November, there will be an evening of reflection for those involved in parish ministries and services. Fr Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap will be our facilitator. The function will take place in the Day Care Centre on Capwell Rd and will begin at 7.30. Light refreshments will be available. The church car park will be open all evening to facilitate those attending the Day Care Centre.

This is a new approach to the event held each year in St Finbarr’s Hospital Chapel. Let us see this reflective evening as one of the many responses to Bishop Fintan’s call for Prayer, Listening, and Discernment.


Ministries and Services (in alphabetical order): Baptism Team, Choir, Church Cleaning, Collectors, Finance Committee, Flower Management, Funeral Team, Ministers of the Eucharist, Ministers of the Word, Parish Assembly, Sacristans, Safeguarding Personnel.


Second Collection next weekend: Youth Ministry Collection


CONNECT 5 Sunday, 17th November Student Centre, UCC

Faith Gathering for young people aged 18-35




Recent Deaths:

Patrick O’Hara, West View; Leah Mae Forde (aged 11), Friars Road; Kevin Cotter, Congress Road. May they rest in peace. We sympathise with their families and pray for them in their grief.

Bulletin 20 October, 2024



World Mission Sunday

The theme for this year’s celebration of Mission Sunday is: “Go and Invite Everyone to the Banquet” (Mt 22:9). reflecting the inclusive and urgent call to bring God’s love to everyone. Pope Francis speaks as follows:

‘Mission is a tireless going out to all men and women, in order to invite them to encounter God and enter into communion with him. Tireless! God, great in love and rich in mercy, constantly sets out to encounter all men and women, and to call them to the happiness of his kingdom, even in the face of their indifference or refusal…Let us not forget that every Christian is called to take part in this universal mission by offering his or her own witness to the Gospel in every context, so that the whole Church can continually go forth with her Lord and Master to the crossroads of today’s world…’

The Mission Sunday Collection will be taken up this weekend at all Masses as a second collection. 

Parish Dues

So far 91 dues envelopes have been returned for which we are most grateful. When I open an envelope my immediate reaction is to want to call to the house and thank you personally, but that is not possible unfortunately. Please accept this note of thanks instead. If you didn’t receive a dues envelope you will find them inside the doors of the church.

Altar Servers We are currently inviting children to join our altar servers’ team. Application forms available in the sacristy.


St Bernadette’s Relics Pilgrimage to Cork and Ross

For the first time, the Relics of St Bernadette are visiting Ireland, and we will have the privilege of welcoming them to the Diocese of Cork and Ross at the end of this month. The Diocese have put a full programme together to try and recreate something of the experience that Lourdes offers here at home. The Relics will be displayed in the Cathedral of St Mary and St Anne (North Cathedral) on Wednesday October 30th from 4pm. Full programme of events available on the Diocesan website, www.corkandross.org.






Welcoming new members: Schoolboys and girls 

Monday:  6pm – 7pm (Age 5 – 7)

                  7pm – 8pm (Age 7 – 9)

Contact: Der on 086-2447832


Bulletin 13th October, 2024

Bishop of Cork and Ross invites people to respond to Church changes with a time of prayer, listening and discernment

The island associated with St. Finbarr’s monastic settlement in Gougane Barra had a capacity congregation for the annual pilgrimage on Sunday last. Bishop Fintan launched a year of prayer, listening and discernment in the diocese as the Catholic Church responds to challenges and opportunities presented by changes in society and church. He also introduced a special prayer which he is asking the whole diocese to pray during the coming year.

On a weekend when heavy rain and winds had blown across his diocese, it seems more than coincidence that a new pastoral message from the Bishop of Cork and Ross should begin with a scripture quote: “Even the wind and the seas obey Him”. Bishop Fintan Gavin read his message on Sunday to pilgrims attending the annual Mass at St. Finbarr’s Oratory, Gougane Barra. Bishop Fintan’s message is a call to the people of the diocese to commit to a year-long time of prayer, listening and discernment about the future of the Catholic Church in the parishes and chaplaincies of the diocese. In a time of unprecedented change in society and the Catholic Church in Ireland, people are understandably concerned about their parish’s future, he said.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Would you or someone you know like to become Catholic or know more about the Catholic faith? The RCIA will begin in the Visitors’ Centre of The Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne, Cork, on Monday, October 21st 2024 (7.30pm – 9.00pm). Please contact the Office for Mission and Ministry (https://corkandross.org/office-for-mission-and-ministry) for more information.

Prayer Ministry Training for Alpha Teams:

The Office for Mission and Ministry are running Prayer Ministry Workshops for new and existing Alpha Teams: Wednesday, October 23rd 2024 (7pm to 9pm) in the Visitors’ Centre of The Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne, Cork. Please contact the Office for Mission and Ministry (https://corkandross.org/office-for-mission-and-ministry) for more information.


Parish Assembly meets Monday 14th at 8.00 pm


Second Collection today is for diocesan needs


Second Collection next weekend, Mission Sunday, is for the Propagation of the Faith



Medjugorje Pilgrimage June 2025

This pilgrimage travels to Medjugorje from Cork with Aer Lingus on 4th June 2025. Everyone is most welcome! For further information and full details please contact Jim Keogh 021 4885371 Early Bird Offer €100 off per person for bookings paid in full before 15 November 2024! N.B. As our places are strictly limited they are allocated on a first come first served basis.



Bulletin 6th October




Mission Month

In the Catholic Church, October has long been associated with mission. The month starts with the feast of St Thérèse of Lisieux  and draws to a close with World Mission Sunday on October 20th– a special day of prayer and global solidarity celebrated in all Catholic parishes around the world. Pope Francis has taken many steps to encourage all members of Catholic communities to recognise themselves as missionary disciples; working and praying together to share God’s love with everyone, everywhere. We remember all who work on mission fields far from family and friends, especially people from this parish.


Synod in Rome began on Wednesday and will continue until 27 Oct. This is the second part of the synodal process that was held last October. Participants are from various backgrounds and, for the first time, women have voting rights at the synod. Since the Vatican Council (1962-65) there has been a synod every three years but it was made up uniquely of bishops. At the opening ceremony on Wednesday, Pope Francis said, ‘Let us listen to the voice of the Spirit, feeling welcomed and accepted with love’. He asked participants to be the voices of their people, especially the smallest, most humble and most vulnerable. We pray for the success of the synod.

Priests’ Retreat

The priests of the diocese are on retreat this week which means that Mass will not be celebrated in the parish church from Monday to Thursday inclusive. Mass is available in Holy Trinity and the other religious congregational churches.


Gougane Sunday

You are invited to Gougane Barra today 6th October to mark the Feast of St Finbarr. Mass at 3pm preceded by the Rosary at 2.30 pm.


Special Commemoration

The 12 Noon Mass today will be a special commemoration of our organist and choir director, David O’Sullivan, who died recently.


Second Collection next weekend for diocesan needs



The Diocese supports parishes through all kinds of services such as Education,

School Religious Faith Formation support, Mission and Ministry, Youth Ministry,

Safeguarding, Stewardship and Governance and in areas such as Data Protection,

Finance and property advisory. This assistance to parishes is only possible through your ongoing generosity. In July the Diocesan Quarterly Collection amounted to €47,324.70 for which the Diocese is most grateful. These collections allow us to support the work in Parishes and Families of Parishes. This work is vital to enable our parishes to be renewed and invigorated as we rebuild after Covid and begin this year of Prayer, Listening and Discernment. As we respond to Christ’s Mission to build his Kingdom of Love and Peace and Justice, we discern over the next year how God is calling us to be his Church and Faith Communities into the future.


Bulletin 29th September

Inter-Faith Marriages

  • Roman Catholics wishing to marry Christians of other denominations must approach their priest for a dispensation, usually the priest will grant this.
  • If one or other of the partners is not baptised, or belongs to a non-Christian religion or is an atheist, a dispensation  is needed. You must apply to the bishop of the diocese to grant this. Again your local priest will arrange that.
  • Catholic Ireland official wedding website: accord.ie

Irish State Marriage Information: www.groireland.ie/getting_married.htm

Foundations in Theology for Young People

The Diocese of Cork and Ross, working together with UCC Chaplaincy and the Presentation Brothers LEAF Project, are organizing a new 10-week introductory course exploring the fundamentals of our Christian faith, which is called ‘Foundations in Theology’. This is an exciting opportunity to delve more deeply into the foundations of Christian Theology. This 10-week introductory course is designed for young adults aged 18-35 years and will be led by local theologians. It will take place in Mardyke House, Cork, T12W8P, beginning on Wednesday 2nd October 2024, from 6 – 8pm, and will run for 10 consecutive weeks. Each session will begin with food and refreshments. To sign up or for more information, please email youthministry@corkandross.org


Gougane Sunday Postponed until next Sunday, October 6th due to weather warning.

You are invited to Gougane Barra today to mark the Feast of St Finbarr. Mass at 3pm preceded by the Rosary at 2.30 pm.

ALPHA INTER-CHURCH DOUGLAS, Autumn 2024 starts on Tuesday, 1 October, 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm, in the Ardfallen Centre, Douglas Road, and runs for 10 weeks.

Come and see for yourself on 1 October. Everyone is welcome!

Coffee Morning:

Tuesday, 1st October after the 10.00 Mass. All welcome.

First Wednesday: Liturgy of the Word will be led by the Legion of Mary at 10.00 am

Special Commemoration for David O’Sullivan

The 12 Noon Mass next Sunday 6th October will be a special commemoration of our organist and choir director, David O’Sullivan, who died recently. His son Cian has taken over as new organist and choir director.



Unfolding the Word

Cork Scripture Group in conjunction with the Office for Mission and Ministry are

offering two ‘Unfolding the Word’ workshops. No previous knowledge or experience

is required. The workshop will give practical experience of running a session and

provide resources that can be used in your parish.

Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Western Road, Cork on October 5 th (10.00am to


Randall Óg GAA Club, Bunanumera, Dunmanway, Co. Cork on October 12 th

(10.00am to 1.00pm)

For more details and to register please https://corkandross.org/mission-and-

ministry/unfolding-the-word or contact the Office at 021-7355517.


Funeral Ministry Team Formation

The Office for Mission and Ministry will be offering three formation sessions for new

teams and for new members of existing teams in Sacred Heart Parish Hall,

Western Road, Cork on Tuesdays, October 8 th , 15 th , and 22 nd from 7.30pm to

9.00pm. For more details and to register please visit https://corkandross.org/mission-

and-ministry/funeral-ministry-team-formation or by contacting the Office at 021-
