Holy God, we praise thy name
Solemnity of Christ the King The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, commonly referred to as the Feast of Christ the King is a relatively recent addition to the liturgical calendar, instituted in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. It was innovative of the diocese of Cork to dedicate its new church in Turner’s Cross to Christ the King. Today we celebrate the anniversary of our church, opened in 1931 by Bishop Coholan. We acknowledge all those who worshipped here over the years and received the sacraments. In particular, given that we are still in the month of November we remember all whose funerals took place here. We thank the many parishioners who enabled the parish to grow and become a true place of worship. Apart from the financial support which the parish received over the years, the personal involvement of people in the service of the parish is truly remarkable. Of course, we are most grateful to those currently involved in ministry and service in Christ the King. Today we begin the last week in the current Church year. The new year begins next Sunday, 1st December, which is the first Sunday in Advent.
Giving Sunday SVP (St Vincent de Paul Society): Sunday 8th December
The Election: Voting Matters ‘Every vote counts. Your vote counts. Imagine living in a society with no elections, no democratic accountability, no contest of ideas, programmes, or vision. History shows that such societies are run by the powerful for their own benefit, while freedom of belief and expression are restricted, or even suppressed. Voting matters because it is how we hold our leaders to account and mandate what we believe to be important… Taking the trouble to consider who offers the best prospect of advancing the common good rather than personal interest or advantage is an important exercise in solidarity with our sisters and brothers who are most affected by public policies. Identifying candidates who have the personal qualities and experience to be effective public representatives is an important judgement.’ Archbishop Dermot Farrell.
Information Meeting re Year of Prayer, Listening and Discernment launched by Bishop Fintan in September. This meeting takes place next Sunday, Dec. 1st in the Rochestown Park Hotel 2.00 to 5.00. The Bishop has invited each parish to send representatives. Please let me know if you would like to attend.
Shared Mass Cards for Christmas Thanks to Margaret Barry, these cards are available at the office inside the front entrance to the church.
Trócaire Christmas Gifts of Change bring real hope and opportunity to families and communities living with poverty and injustice across our world, and a chance to create lasting and positive change from Somalia to Guatemala, from Sudan to Palestine. There are gifts for everyone starting at 5 euro for the Gift of Soap. You can support the gifts by buying them online at trocaire.org/gifts; by phone 1800 408 408/021-4275622; by post or in person to Trócaire, 9, Cook Street, Cork. T12 F583.
Recent Deaths: Mary Luttrell, late of Capwell Rd; May they rest in peace. We sympathise with their families.
Recessional Hymn: Hail, Redeemer, King Divine
Hail, Redeemer, King Divine
Priest and lamb, the throne is thine; King whose reign shall never cease, Prince of everlasting peace. |
Angels, saints and nations sing:
‘Praised be Jesus Christ, our King; Lord of earth and sky and sea, King of love on Calvary’