Bulletin 10 November



Cemetery Prayers The cemetery prayers and blessings will take place in St Joseph’s Cemetery, Tory Top Road, today 10th November, at 2.30 pm. Remember to bring a small container to take the holy water to the grave for the blessing.

Today is the final day of the Novena for the Holy Souls. It was great to see so many people participate in the Masses last weekend and during the week.

Parish Assembly meets on Monday, 11th at 8.00 pm

An evening for those in ministries and services

On Thursday, 7th November, we had the evening of reflection for those involved in parish ministries and services. Fr Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap gave a very inspiring talk, for which we are most grateful.  But the social aspect of the occasion was also most appreciated. Great to sit around with a cup of tea in the hand and mix with friends.

A special thanks is due to the parish assembly members who made this occasion possible. We are thankful of course to the Day Care staff and Board of Management, especially Michael and Frank.


Second Collection today: Youth Ministry Collection

It is not easy to be a young person of faith today. It is important for us to support and encourage our young people in every way we can and encourage them to take part in their local Parish. Sheila Kelleher has begun working as our Diocesan Coordinator for Youth Ministry and there are many youth ministry events planned for the year including Connect 5 (for young adults), Maranatha March 2025 (a faith-based high-energy music event for Post-

Primary school students), the launch of the new Youth Alpha (for teenagers), Altar Server training videos and gatherings to support local Parish ministry. In order for this to happen we need to be able to fund this. Please be as generous as you can as we cannot do this without your support. Investing in our young people is vital for the future of the Church. You may also wish to donate online by scanning the QR Code which takes you directly to our secure donation page.



CONNECT 5 – an invitation to young adults (18 to 35 years): – Do you want to know more about your faith? There will be a special event for young adults in Devere Hall in UCC on Sunday November 17 th , CONNECT 5. It begins at 9.30am and Katie Ascough (Founder of ‘Called to More’), and Fr Columba Jordan CFR will present at this event. The theme is ‘In a troubled world, Dare to Hope’. There will be Mass, quiet time for prayer, confessions, and lunch will be provided. There is a €10 registration fee, search Eventbrite.ie for CONNECT 5 or scan the QR code on posters and flyers Sunday, 17th November Student Centre, UCC

Faith Gathering for young people aged 18-35




Recent Deaths: Breeda O’Neill, Greenwood Court; Joe Doyle, Friars Rd; Kieran Murphy, Friars Rd. May they rest in peace. We sympathise with their families.