Novena for the Deceased The novena for the dead began yesterday, 2nd November and continues until Sundaynext , 10th, inclusive. There will be Mass each day during the Novena at 10 am including the Saturdays and the Wednesday. These Masses will be celebrated for those whose names will be handed in via the envelopes available at the church entrances. The Masses this weekend are for the repose of those who died here in the past year. Their names are placed on the board in the sanctuary. Relatives are invited to take a candle at the entrance and place it lighting on the altar rails for the Mass of your choice this weekend. Cemetery Prayers The cemetery prayers and blessings will take place in St Joseph’s Cemetery, Tory Top Road, on Sunday next, 10th November, at 2.30 pm. Remember to bring a small container to take the holy water to the grave for the blessing. Sacrament of Anointing The sacrament of anointing will be offered at the 10.00 Mass on Tuesday. Coffee Morning This Tuesday after Mass. All welcome Altar Servers We are currently inviting children to join our altar servers’ team. Application forms available in the sacristy. An evening for those in ministries and services On Thursday next, 7th November, there will be an evening of reflection for those involved in parish ministries and services. Fr Silvester O’Flynn OFM Cap will be our facilitator. The function will take place in the Day Care Centre on Capwell Rd and will begin at 7.30. Light refreshments will be available. The church car park will be open all evening to facilitate those attending the Day Care Centre. This is a new approach to the event held each year in St Finbarr’s Hospital Chapel. Let us see this reflective evening as one of the many responses to Bishop Fintan’s call for Prayer, Listening, and Discernment.
Ministries and Services (in alphabetical order): Baptism Team, Choir, Church Cleaning, Collectors, Finance Committee, Flower Management, Funeral Team, Ministers of the Eucharist, Ministers of the Word, Parish Assembly, Sacristans, Safeguarding Personnel.
Second Collection next weekend: Youth Ministry Collection
CONNECT 5 Sunday, 17th November Student Centre, UCC Faith Gathering for young people aged 18-35
Recent Deaths:
Patrick O’Hara, West View; Leah Mae Forde (aged 11), Friars Road; Kevin Cotter, Congress Road. May they rest in peace. We sympathise with their families and pray for them in their grief.