Bulletin 13th October, 2024

Bishop of Cork and Ross invites people to respond to Church changes with a time of prayer, listening and discernment

The island associated with St. Finbarr’s monastic settlement in Gougane Barra had a capacity congregation for the annual pilgrimage on Sunday last. Bishop Fintan launched a year of prayer, listening and discernment in the diocese as the Catholic Church responds to challenges and opportunities presented by changes in society and church. He also introduced a special prayer which he is asking the whole diocese to pray during the coming year.

On a weekend when heavy rain and winds had blown across his diocese, it seems more than coincidence that a new pastoral message from the Bishop of Cork and Ross should begin with a scripture quote: “Even the wind and the seas obey Him”. Bishop Fintan Gavin read his message on Sunday to pilgrims attending the annual Mass at St. Finbarr’s Oratory, Gougane Barra. Bishop Fintan’s message is a call to the people of the diocese to commit to a year-long time of prayer, listening and discernment about the future of the Catholic Church in the parishes and chaplaincies of the diocese. In a time of unprecedented change in society and the Catholic Church in Ireland, people are understandably concerned about their parish’s future, he said.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): Would you or someone you know like to become Catholic or know more about the Catholic faith? The RCIA will begin in the Visitors’ Centre of The Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne, Cork, on Monday, October 21st 2024 (7.30pm – 9.00pm). Please contact the Office for Mission and Ministry (https://corkandross.org/office-for-mission-and-ministry) for more information.

Prayer Ministry Training for Alpha Teams:

The Office for Mission and Ministry are running Prayer Ministry Workshops for new and existing Alpha Teams: Wednesday, October 23rd 2024 (7pm to 9pm) in the Visitors’ Centre of The Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne, Cork. Please contact the Office for Mission and Ministry (https://corkandross.org/office-for-mission-and-ministry) for more information.


Parish Assembly meets Monday 14th at 8.00 pm


Second Collection today is for diocesan needs


Second Collection next weekend, Mission Sunday, is for the Propagation of the Faith



Medjugorje Pilgrimage June 2025

This pilgrimage travels to Medjugorje from Cork with Aer Lingus on 4th June 2025. Everyone is most welcome! For further information and full details please contact Jim Keogh 021 4885371 Early Bird Offer €100 off per person for bookings paid in full before 15 November 2024! N.B. As our places are strictly limited they are allocated on a first come first served basis.