Mission Month In the Catholic Church, October has long been associated with mission. The month starts with the feast of St Thérèse of Lisieux and draws to a close with World Mission Sunday on October 20th– a special day of prayer and global solidarity celebrated in all Catholic parishes around the world. Pope Francis has taken many steps to encourage all members of Catholic communities to recognise themselves as missionary disciples; working and praying together to share God’s love with everyone, everywhere. We remember all who work on mission fields far from family and friends, especially people from this parish.
Synod in Rome began on Wednesday and will continue until 27 Oct. This is the second part of the synodal process that was held last October. Participants are from various backgrounds and, for the first time, women have voting rights at the synod. Since the Vatican Council (1962-65) there has been a synod every three years but it was made up uniquely of bishops. At the opening ceremony on Wednesday, Pope Francis said, ‘Let us listen to the voice of the Spirit, feeling welcomed and accepted with love’. He asked participants to be the voices of their people, especially the smallest, most humble and most vulnerable. We pray for the success of the synod. Priests’ Retreat The priests of the diocese are on retreat this week which means that Mass will not be celebrated in the parish church from Monday to Thursday inclusive. Mass is available in Holy Trinity and the other religious congregational churches.
Gougane Sunday You are invited to Gougane Barra today 6th October to mark the Feast of St Finbarr. Mass at 3pm preceded by the Rosary at 2.30 pm.
Special Commemoration The 12 Noon Mass today will be a special commemoration of our organist and choir director, David O’Sullivan, who died recently.
Second Collection next weekend for diocesan needs |
The Diocese supports parishes through all kinds of services such as Education,
School Religious Faith Formation support, Mission and Ministry, Youth Ministry,
Safeguarding, Stewardship and Governance and in areas such as Data Protection,
Finance and property advisory. This assistance to parishes is only possible through your ongoing generosity. In July the Diocesan Quarterly Collection amounted to €47,324.70 for which the Diocese is most grateful. These collections allow us to support the work in Parishes and Families of Parishes. This work is vital to enable our parishes to be renewed and invigorated as we rebuild after Covid and begin this year of Prayer, Listening and Discernment. As we respond to Christ’s Mission to build his Kingdom of Love and Peace and Justice, we discern over the next year how God is calling us to be his Church and Faith Communities into the future.