5th July 2020 14th Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

Live-Streaming of  Masses from our Webcam  this Sunday 5th July  at 12 noon  and daily at  10am.   To tune in, click on the camera icon on left.   We hope that  people while not able to get to Mass will join us spiritually for Mass


Because of Covid-19 guidance there will be no public Masses in our Church this weekend.   Daily Mass will continue in the Church this Monday 6th July at 10am  (not more then 50 people)

Public Celebration of Mass and other Sacraments                                                  On Friday evening the government announced some relaxation of the limit of fifty people attending indoor church gatherings.  This is subject to specific conditions, and compliance would involve significant adjustment to the safety arrangements already in place. We will examine the proposals in detail over the next few days, to see if they are feasible in the context of our Church of Christ the King.                                                    In the meantime, the limit of fifty people remains. Following consultation with the Parish Assembly on Friday evening, it was decided that sadly there will be no public weekend Masses in Christ the King Church for the time being.  Mass will be live-streamed from the church webcam at 12.00 noon on Sundays.

Public weekday Mass restricted to fifty people observing social distance of 2 meters will continue in the church at 10.00 am Monday to Saturday, and these Masses will also be live-streamed.

Marriages and Baptisms may be celebrated, but with restrictions. 

 Confirmation and First Holy Communion.                                                           Bishop Fintan hopes that the celebration of the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion, deferred because of the coronavirus lockdown, will now take place in the Autumn after schools have re-opened.

Removals and Funerals                                                                                       Because of the challenges of sanitising and restrictions on numbers there will be no reception of remains on the evening prior to the Funeral Mass.  The Reception of the Remains will continue to take place just before the commencement of the Funeral Mass.

Rotas for Ministers of the Word and of the Eucharist                                         Limited Rotas involving Ministers who are not in the sheltering age group .have been prepared and will be issued when weekend Masses are restored.  Face Masks will be used by Ministers of the Eucharist.  HSE Public Health have informed us that that a visor is not a substitute for a face mask but may be used along with a face mask.

First Friday VisitsFirst Friday visits have not yet been resumed, but calls may be made if requested and on the basis of a discussion with the persons themselves and their immediate family in advance of a visit.

 Pope Emeritus Benedict.  We pray for Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI following the death of his brother, Monsignor Georg Ratzinger, who has died.

On-Line Alpha Course  Our first on-line Alpha Course concluded last week.  This was a pilot course, run by Brother Andrew, Bernadette Hegarty and Fr Billy on a Zoom conference format.  There were two one-hour sessions each week, with a two-hour “Holy Spirit Session” on a Saturday morning. Whilst we had a few teething problems, the new method offers many advantages and worked very well.  We plan to offer both traditional and on-line Alpha courses in the year ahead.

Fr. Jacob Madathumpady who ministered with us in Turner’s Cross in recent years wrote last week to thank us for some surplus Mass Offerings.  He conveyed his regards to all parishioners and is praying for us at this time.  As a student priest in Rome he is unable to travel this year because of the pandemic, and cannot undertake pastoral ministry in local parishes. If you wish to write to him, his address is Fr. Jacob Madathumpady, Congregazione Delle Suore, Francescane Insegnanti, Via Nicolò Piccolomini, 27, 0016Z, Roma.

Pope Francis on this Sunday’s Gospel.  Jesus invites us: “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  This invitation comes to us in our day, and extends to the many who are oppressed by life’s precarious conditions, those who are most in need.  In the poorest countries and also on the margins of society in the richest countries, there are so many weary people, worn out under the unbearable weight of neglect and indifference.  But he also says it to those who have everything, but whose hearts are empty and without God. Even to them, Jesus addresses this invitation: “Come to me”. Jesus’ invitation is for everyone. But especially for those who suffer most.

Jesus promises rest for our souls, but he also gives us an invitation: “Shoulder my yoke and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart.” The “yoke” of the Lord consists in taking on ourselves the burdens of others, with Christlike love. When we receive Christ’s comfort and rest, we are called in turn to become rest and comfort for our brothers and sisters, in imitation of our Lord. Gentleness and humility of heart help us not only to take on the burden of others, but to make sure that they are not weighed down by our personal views, our judgments, our criticism or our indifference.

We ask Our Lady’s help, Mary Most Holy, who welcomes under her mantle all the tired and worn out people, so that by really living our faith, we can offer relief for so many in need of help, of tenderness and of hope.