28th June 2020 – 13th Sunday Ordinary Time

Opening of our Church for the public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments from Monday 29th June

An E-mail and Video from Bishop Fintan regarding the opening of our Church for the public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments from this Monday 29th June

Bishop Fintan reassure people that our churches have been prepared in a safe way for the public celebration of Mass and the Sacraments. This video also explains the changes that people will experience when they enter the church such as hand sanitising, seating arrangements and how to receive Holy Communion. It is Bishop Fintan’s hope that we will share this video on parish websites and social media platforms extensively. It is available from the following links.

The diocesan website:



Bishop Fintan says:   “While the government announced on last Thursday that a protocol would be agreed to make an exception for churches from the maximum of 50 to attend indoor gatherings, it has not completed this process and signed the promised protocol. Accordingly, the number of 50 remains the norm for churches at this time.”

Live-Streaming  of  Masses will resume this Monday 29th June  from our Church  daily Mass 10am.  weekends Masses  Vigil 6pm, Sun 10am 12 noon
   To tune in, click on the camera icon below     We hope that  people while not able to get to Mass will join us spiritually for Mass

Our New Taoiseach.                                                                We congratulate Micheál Martin on his election as Taoiseach, a moment of pride for Cork and for Turner’s Cross. We wish him and his family well as he begins a new phase of his service of the people of Ireland, and we pray for him at this time of difficulty and danger.


The public celebration of Mass resumes on Monday 29thJune, and looks a little different as we comply with public health requirements.

Catholics continue to be dispensed from attending Sunday and Holy Day Masses until further notice. Those over 70 years and those with underlying health conditions should follow health regulations and remain at home where appropriate. Anyone who feels uncomfortable or nervous about returning to Mass at this time has a legitimate reason to remain at home. Anyone who has symptoms of any sickness (even mild symptoms) should not attend the public celebration of Mass.

The government announced last Thursday that a protocol would be agreed to remove the limit of 50 people attending places of worship where social distancing is maintained. That protocol has not yet been issued, and the maximum number of 50 remains the norm for churches at this time. As the number of people allowed in churches during the pandemic will in any event be extremely limited, we encourage parishioners to join us at one of our weekday Masses, as the church may be full for Sunday Masses, and people turned away. It may be necessary to introduce a seat reservation or booking system for weekend Masses, to avoid turning parishioners away when the church has been filled to the prescribed limit when additional numbers would endanger everybody’s health. Compliance with public health provisions is to be seen as caring for one another in a spirit of Christian concern in this difficult time.


Hand hygiene
Parishioners should sanitise their hands immediately upon entry to the church.

Some Pews will be taped off
In order to maintain the required distance between people (currently 2 metres), some pews are taped off, and seat markings are provided on the others where parishioners can safely sit. Two members of the same household may share a marked seating position. A number of “Family” pews will be indicated, when members of the same household may sit together

Singing will be limited
Music may be played on a keyboard in front of the sanctuary, in the space used for the Christmas Crib and the Easter Garden, and a single cantor microphone may be placed there. Sadly, choir or congregational singing is not recommended.

Avoid personal contact with anyone
The sign of peace remains suspended; physical contact with others must be avoided.

Receiving Holy Communion Safely
Parishioners wearing masks will take off their masks to receive Holy Communion. The priest or minister of the Eucharist will wear a mask when distributing Holy Communion and they will always sanitize their hands before and after administering Holy Communion. Whenever they accidentally touch a communicant, they will pause and disinfect their hands before giving Holy Communion to the next person. Parishioners are asked to receive Holy Communion on the hand, or alternatively to refrain from receiving and make an act of Spiritual Communion instead.

The church will be sanitised after every Mass
To ensure everyone’s safety, volunteers will sanitise the church after every celebration of Mass.

Offerings may be placed in a collection basket as you leave Mass
Instead of passing baskets in the congregation, supervised baskets will be available at the exits.

The message of today’s  Gospel:  When we really want something we put a lot of other things aside to get to our goal. It’s the same in what we feel is really important in our lives – in family, sport, health care, among others.
This is the message of Jesus, to be single-minded in our following of him, flowing through on what we say and do.
We admire commitment in people, sticking at something. If they fail, they get up again.     Single minded also in giving and noticing the needs of others. As so many have been doing these past months of the Covid-19 We are concerned about others for their own sake, and – for Jesus’ sake. Giving the cup of cold water is what the servant did. We look for people’s needs and try to give something.
We are people not to be thrown aside by any whim or even a good intention. Like Jesus,  he was the one who would ask ‘what would my Father want?’ That was his goal.
Ours – what would Jesus do? Often we wouldn’t know. Then we ask what would real love do? Then we know!