3rd November 2019 – Parish Remembrance Weekend

In the rising of the sun and its going down . . . . . . . .
We remember them
In the blowing of the wind and the chill of the winter . . . . . . . .
We remember them
In the opening of the buds and the warmth of summer . . . . . . . .
We remember them
In the rustling of the leaves and in the beauty of Autumn . . . . . . . .
We remember them
In the beginning of the year and when it ends . . . . . . . .
We remember them
When we are weary and in need of strength . . . . . . . .
We remember them
When we are lost and sick of heart . . . . . . . . . .
We remember them
When we have joy and yearn to share . . . . . . . .
We remember them
So long as we live, they too shall live,
for they are part of us . . . . . . . .
We remember them
When we grow old and forgetful
we still know . . . . . . . . .
God remembers them

Remembrance Weekend
Those who died during the past year are remembered in a special way at our Masses this weekend. We give thanks for the wonderful gift of family, kind neighbours and friendship.  All of us are shaped and influenced by what has happened in the past.   Today and during November we pray for those who have died and acknowledge their influence in our own lives.

The Holy Souls
Novena of Masses continues to Saturday, 19th November. Mass each day at 10.00 am and also at 6.00 pm except Sunday. Novena envelopes available at the exit doors can be placed in the box at the altar rails.

Plenary Indulgence
A Plenary Indulgence for the souls of the departed may be gained by visiting a cemetery and praying for the dead once per day from Nov 1st to 8th, by all who confess their sins during the week before or after All Souls’ Day, receive Holy Communion between the 1st and 8th November and pray for the Pope’s intentions.

Death:  We pray for John O’Connell, Palaceanne Lawn, who died recently.  We extend our sympathy to his family.

 3rd Nov.         St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Tory Top Road at 2.30 pm.
Also at the following cemeteries:
2nd Nov         St. Oliver’s Model Farm Rd, Mass at 2.00 pm
3rd Nov          St. Michael’s, Blackrock, at 3.00 pm
3rd Nov         Rathcooney, at 3.00 pm
9th Nov          St Mary & St John Church,  Ballincollig; Mass at 12.00 noon
10th Nov         St. Finbarr’s, Glasheen, at 2.30 pm
10th Nov         St James, Chetwynd, at 3.00 pm
10th Nov         Douglas, at 3.00 pm
10th Nov         Rathcooney, at 3.00 pm
10th Nov         St Catherine’s, Kilcully, at 3.00 pm
 Don’t forget to pray at the Graves at the back of the Church

St Cecilia Youth Music Group: Young people from Transition Year (Secondary School) are invited to join St Cecilia Youth Music Group. It meets on Wednesdays 2.45 – 3.45 pm (during term time, starting 6 November) in Nano Nagle Hall, Bunscoil Chríost Rí, Turners Cross.  Desirable requirements when joining are ability to sing or play a musical instrument. Musicians please bring your instruments with you. Contacts: Mrs Beth O’Sullivan 085-2832707 or Brother Matthew 087-2634484.

Sunday Coffee Morning: After 10.00am Mass this Sunday. Join us in the Parish Centre for a cup of tea or coffee, biscuits and a chat.

Weekend of Prayer and Healing In the Charleville Park Hotel on Saturday 9th and Sunday 10th November, starting each day at 9.00 am. Keynote speaker will be Fr Pat Collins (Vincentian), other speakers: Sr. Josephine Walsh, Msgr Finbarr O’Leary and Fr John Keane. Music by Mir Ministries. Mass on both days and also opportunity for confession. Bishop William Crean will celebrate the Closing Mass on Sunday.  Admission free, for further information contact phone 0872505528, Celia on 0872405568 or Tom on 0876468658.

Vigil for the Holy Souls: St. Patrick’s Church, Rochestown Road, Friday 15th November. Commencing with Angelus and Mass at 6.00 pm, with confession, rosaries, prayers and hymns for our departed family and friends throughout the night. The vigil concludes with Mass at 12.00 midnight, attend all or part.

Anointing of Sick: next Saturday 8th November after 10.00 am Mass.

South Parish Historical Society meeting at 7.30pm Wednesday 6th November, St. John’s College, Sawmill Street.  Gerry White: “1918 – Victory, Virus and Votes”. An account of three critical events that occurred in 1918.

Anam Cara Cork supporting parents is holding a Bereaved Parent Evening on 6th November at 7:20pm in The Clayton Hotel.

Marriage Enrichment Weekend for married couples of all ages. The Lake Hotel, Killarney. Nov. 15 – 17.  See www.marriageencounter.ie or phone 064-6644319 or 086-6095168.

Cork Scripture Group: Working to Renew the Church. Fr Gerry O’Hanlon, SJ on Saturday November 9th 2019 from 10.00am -1.00pm, Sacred Heart Hall, Western Road, Cost: €10  corkscripturegroup@gmail.com