17th March 2019 – St. Patrick’s Day

 On St. Patrick’s Day we may reflect on the gift of faith that God gave to the people of Ireland over sixteen hundred years ago, through the ministry of a runaway slave who was obedient to the call of God.
We pray that in spite of all the present difficulties the faith will continue to be passed on and that future generations of our people will continue to know the good news of salvation, and the peace of Christ which is beyond all human understanding.

Evening Mass at 6.00 pm on weekdays
of Lent. However, no evening Mass on Bank Holiday Monday 18th March.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
on Wednesday mornings in Lent after 10.00 am Mass to 11.00 am.

Morning and Evening Prayer of the Church (Lauds and Vespers) on Fridays in Lent after 10.00 am and 6.00 pm Masses.

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes for Lent are available at the back of the Church.

Death:We pray for Ciss Dorgan, Kilcolman Lawn who died on Friday.  We extend our sympathy to her family.

Ministers of the Eucharist can collect their rota from the sacristy.

New members welcome, if you are interested please leave your name in the sacristy.

Congregational Singing
We are looking for volunteers to lead congregational singing at weekend Masses.  If you are interested please leave your name in the sacristy.

The diocesan pilgrimage is seeking young adults (18-25) to join the pilgrimage to Lourdes from 10th to 15th June to assist with the care of the sick who travel to Lourdes. Please contact Fr Charlie Kiely on 021 4537474 or pdo@corkandross.org  for information and to request an application form.

Prayer for Vocations:  Monthly Holy Hours to pray for vocations – Wednesday 27th March 3:00pm to 4:00pm at Mercy Hospital Chapel, Cork.
Thursday 11th April 7.00 pm to 8.00 pm at Presentation Brothers, Maiville, Turner’s Cross. Prayer followed by tea/coffee.

Dom Richard Purcell OCSO Saturday 30th March at Bon Secours Convent, College Road, 10.00 am to 5.00 pm.  Donation only, booking essential. Email eavopost@gmail.com or Phone 0872209994

Learn about Justice from a biblical perspective with the Sisters of Our Lady of Apostles: video presentations and group discussion at Ardfoyle Convent, Ballintemple, Cork at  11am on Tuesdays 9th March to 16th April.   Info: justice@olaireland.ie or 021-4294076

‘Day of Meditation/Relaxation’ Sat 30th March, with Eileen Nash pbvm. Get in touch with yourself, with creation and with God. 10.30am — 3.30pm; bring a packed lunch; cost €25 incl. tea/coffee. Booking required. Nano Nagle Birthplace 022 26411 www.nanonaglebirthplace.ie <http://www.nanonaglebirthplace.ie>

Catholic Young Adults Conference 2019
(18 to 40 years) Saturday 30th March, 11am to 6.00 pm at Dominican Retreat Centre, Ennismore. Guest speaker  Fr. Marius O’Reilly. Cost including lunch €15 on the day or to book in advance contact Fergal 087-7914975 or Susan 087-2414635

The Legion of Mary Acies will be held in SMA Church, Blackrock on March 22nd at 7.15pm.   All auxiliary and former active members welcome.

This year’s Trócaire Lenten campaign highlights the different ways land is stolen from vulnerable people in the developing world. Find out more at www.trocaire.org <http://www.trocaire.org>