17th February 2019 – 6th Sunday Ordinary Time (C)

In today’s gospel reading we hear St Luke’s beatitudes, echoing the beginning of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount in the gospel of St Matthew. In Luke there are four blessings, with four corresponding woes. They remind us that God’s ways are not our ways and that as Christians we are called to a value system very different to that of our prevailing culture, very different from that of any worldly culture.  They also reflect something of Jesus’ own life on earth.  He experienced poverty and hunger, he knew grief and he experienced rejection as he was persecuted even to death.  As his followers, we may expect to share some of these experiences, and as we do, he tells us that we are blessed, that our reward will be great in heaven; and in this life he gives us his peace, a peace which the world cannot give.

An extra Alpha Course
Explore: life
As our evening Alpha Course is full, we are considering a second course following 10.00 am Mass on Thursday mornings starting on 6th March, the first Thursday in Lent, and continuing for ten weeks.  Each session will start at 10.45 am with tea/coffee and finish at 12.15 pm sharp. The new video material is really very good, and we are confident that those who have completed Alpha in recent years will also enjoy and benefit from this course. If you are interested, please contact Br. Andrew at 086-1522160.
“Friendships are made at Alpha”

Cork & Ross Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2019 10th – 15th June – 5 nights Full board.  Booking forms for pilgrims available from: Joe Walsh Tours, 117 Patrick Street, Cork, telephone: (021) 4277959.  Enquiries for Special Sick/Assisted Section should be directed to the Pilgrimage Director, V. Rev Canon James O’Donovan, Parochial House, Ballinlough, Cork, telephone (021) 4292296.  If you would like to participate in this pilgrimage as part of a Turners Cross Parish Group, please give your name to one of the Priests.

The Diocese of Cork and Ross invites young adults 18-25 to join the pilgrimage to Lourdes as helpers from 10th to 15th June.  As helpers you will assist with the sick and be involved in the full pilgrimage programme – time for prayer, sharing in the story of Lourdes and making new friends. Limited number of places – for further Details contact Fr Charlie Kiely on 021 4537474

Vacancy for Receptionist/Secretary Cork and Ross Pastoral Development Office, Ballyphehane – must be eligible for CE scheme – 19.5 hours per week.  Contact Nellie Crowley on 021-4345583 or Fr Charlie 021-4537474.  Please send cv and cover letter to southsidetdl@eircom.net

Ministers of the Word may collect their Rota from the Sacristy.

Including visits to Assisi & Monte Cassino, and Audience with Pope Francis. Spiritual Director:  Canon Martin O’Driscoll. Contact Premier Travel at 021 – 4277700

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL) Ireland are holding an information and support event for patients with CLL and their family members.  The event will take place at the Clayton Silver Springs Hotel, Cork on Saturday, March 2nd from 1.30 – 4.30pm.  Please register for the event on website: www.clli.ie <http://www.clli.ie>  or contact Annemarie: 086-4115195

Cork Alzheimers Café, a safe place for people with Alzheimers and other dementias, their carers, family and friends to meet together and with social and health professionals. Last Friday of each month 1.30 – 3.30 pm in St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Road. Light refreshments, all welcome, next meeting on Friday 22nd February.

Talk and Workshop: Saturday 9th March 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Blackrock Parish
Centre.  Address by Dr Dan O’Connell, f Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, a parent, parishioner and professional educator.  His address will be followed by a workshop on HOW TO USE THE YOUCAT SERIES in your parish, home, school as tools for handing on the faith.  Open to all – parents, parishioners, teachers, clergy, religious.  Contribution €5 per person to include workshop handbook.  To reserve a place contact 021 4537474 or pdo@corkandross.org

Guided Faith Filled Lenten Journey
Six Wednesday evenings from 6th March  7.30pm – 8.45pm in SMA Community Centre, Wilton.  All welcome, including parish faith formation personnel / teachers / parents / young adults. Contact Máirín Ní Shúilleabháin on 087/7950325 or mairin991@gmail.com for details.