27th January 2019 – 3rd Sunday Ordinary Time (C)

Candlemas Day: Candles will be blessed at 10.00 am Mass on Saturday, the feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the Temple. Beeswax candles (€1.50) will be available at the back of the Church. It’s always good to have a blessed candle in our homes

Death: We pray for Tim Looney, late of Summerhill South who died recently. We extend our sympathy to his family.

Do this in Memory First Holy Communion preparation Mass this Sunday 27th January at 10.00 am.

Family Mass: The 12 o’clock Mass on this Sunday is the second of our monthly series of “Family Masses,” in which we acknowledge the importance of families in the life of our parish and of the Church. We ask members of a particular family to participate in the Mass as a family unit, as a reminder that the family is the “domestic Church” and a reflection of God’s love which brings joy to the world.

Anointing of the Sick on Sat 2nd February after 10am Mass                                            This month Anointing of the Sick will also take place on Monday 11th February, “World Day of Prayer for the Sick,” and Memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, after the 10.00 am & 6.00 pm Masses (note extra Mass). Refreshments in the Parish Centre on Monday 11th February, courtesy of the Parish Assembly after the 10.00 am Mass. Consider offering a lift to a neighbour who may be housebound.

Alpha Course
Explore: life.
Turner’s Cross Parish Alpha 2019 starts on
Wednesday 30th January. The course will be led by Br Andrew Hickey of the Presentation Brothers Community in Turner’s Cross.
Contact Br Andrew at 086 1522160                                                  We invite you to try Alpha with us on
Wednesday evenings from 7.30 to 9.00 pm at the Parish Centre. This session caters especially for young adults (20’s – 30’s), but all are welcome regardless of age.
Alpha is for everyone; no question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish. You don’t have to commit to the whole course – come along for the first night and see what you think.
There will be a short Video presentation on the Alpha Course in the Parish Centre after the 10.00 am

Mass on this Sunday (the Do This in Memory Mass). You are welcome to join us for this, and a cup of tea, if you have time.

Feast of St Blaise – The traditional blessing of throats will take place on Monday February 4th (transferred from the Sunday) after the 10.00 am and 6.00 pm Masses, note the extra Mass at 6.00 pm.

Confessions: Saturdays after the 10.00 am Mass & after 6.00 pm Vigil Mass, or ask one of the priests at any time.

South Parish Historical Society – monthly meeting Wednesday 6th February at 7.30pm in St. John’s College, Sawmill Street. Sandra McAvoy will talk on “Cork Women and the Fight for the Vote”. All Welcome, Fee €3 non-members.

St. Mary’s Pope’s Quay weekend of healing and intercession with Fr. Pat Collins CM.
A talk at 7.30 pm on Friday 1st February. Vigil Mass and healing service at 6.00 pm on Saturday 2nd February Prayer and Preaching at 4.00 pm on Sunday 3rd February.

SAMUEL PROGRAMME: Are you 18-35ish? Do you know what God is calling you to do with your life? Do you wish to trust more when making life decisions? We are starting a Samuel Programme for young adults on Sunday 17th Feb in Clonakilty Parish Centre and a group in Cork city – due to demand! A gathering once a month for 6 months. Contact avopost@gmail.com or call 087- 2209994

Anam Cara Cork Bereavement Information Evening on Wednesday 6th February at 7:20pm in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. This is a free event and open to all bereaved parents. As Anam Cara will need to confirm numbers for teas, coffees, etc, please RSVP to info@anamcara.ie before Tuesday 5th February or call the Information number on 085 2888 888.