Feast of the Holy Family
It has been a lovely Christmas, with great crowds and a great atmosphere during the Advent and Christmas Liturgies. The joyful preparation, anticipation, participation, celebration and sense of community were inspiring, we thank all who participated. Fr. Kerry joins me in thanking you for your Christmas wishes and your generous Christmas offerings at the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses, and we appreciate your encouraging words.
As we begin the New Year, we pray that 2019 will bring us many blessings.
Fr. Billy
Anointing of Sick:
Saturday 5th January after 10.00 am Mass.
2019 Parish Calendars are available at the back of the church. Please consider taking one for a housebound neighbour or friend. It would be great if the area collectors could help to distribute some as well, there are additional supplies in the Sacristy. Many thanks.
Autumn Dues
Many thanks for your generous contributions. Envelopes are available at the back of the church for those who did not receive them.
Feast of the Epiphany: Sunday 6th January. Vigil Mass on Saturday 6.00 pm. Mass on Sunday at 10.00 am and 12.00 am
Anam Cara Cork, the organisation that supports bereaved parents is holding a Parent Evening on Wednesday, January 2nd in the Clayton Hotel, Silversprings Cork commencing 7.20 pm. www.anamcara.ie for further information or 085 2888 888.
Alpha Course
Br. Andrew Hickey, Presentation Brothers Maiville, is an experienced Alpha leader and has agreed to lead our Parish Alpha Course beginning at the end of January.
Explore: life, faith, meaning. Turner’s Cross Parish Alpha 2019 starts on Wed. 30th January.
We want to invite you to try Alpha with us on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 pm to 9.00 pm at the Parish Centre here at Christ the King Church. This session caters especially for young adults (20s – 30’s), but all are welcome regardless of age.
Every session begins with some hot food – so come along on the first evening and see what you think! Each Alpha is limited to 20 people.
What is Alpha?
A 10 week experience covering such topics as Who is Jesus? Why did Jesus die? How does God guide us? and Why and How do I pray? Alpha is relaxed, non-threatening, low key friendly and fun. Alpha can help you to deepen your relationship with the Lord.
What is involved?
We begin every session by chatting with one another over a cup of tea/ coffee. Then we watch a DVD and hear an interesting talk. After that we divide into groups and discuss some of the questions relevant to the teaching,
Alpha is free – so why not come along and give it a try.
Contact Br. Andrew at 086 1522160
Family Blessing
This Sunday December 30th is the Feast of the Holy Family. A special blessing for 2018 is offered to families at each of our weekend Masses. All families present or represented will be blessed with these words:
As you seek to live as a family
in the image of the Holy Family
of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
may Almighty God bless each of you,
and those you love,
the Father, the Son, X and the Holy Spirit.
From the Message of Pope Francis for World day of Peace, 1st January 2019
Peace be to this house!
Bringing peace is central to the mission of Christ’s disciples. That peace is offered to all those men and women who long for peace amid the tragedies and violence that mark human history. The “house” of which Jesus speaks is every family, community, country and continent, in all their diversity and history. It is first and foremost each individual person, without distinction or discrimination. But it is also our “common home”: the world in which God has placed us and which we are called to care for and cultivate.
So let this be my greeting at the beginning of the New Year: Peace be to this house!
Anam Cara Cork, the organisation that supports bereaved parents is holding a Parent Evening on Wednesday, January 2nd in the Clayton Hotel, Silversprings Cork commencing 7.20 pm. www.anamcara.ie for further information or 085 2888 888.
Family Blessing
This Sunday December 30th is the Feast of the Holy Family. A special blessing for 2018 is offered to families at each of our weekend Masses. All families present or represented will be blessed with these words:
As you seek to live as a family
in the image of the Holy Family
of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
may Almighty God bless each of you,
and those you love,
the Father, the Son, X and the Holy Spirit.
From the Message of Pope Francis for World day of Peace, 1st January 2019
Peace be to this house!
Bringing peace is central to the mission of Christ’s disciples. That peace is offered to all those men and women who long for peace amid the tragedies and violence that mark human history. The “house” of which Jesus speaks is every family, community, country and continent, in all their diversity and history. It is first and foremost each individual person, without distinction or discrimination. But it is also our “common home”: the world in which God has placed us and which we are called to care for and cultivate.
So let this be my greeting at the beginning of the New Year: Peace be to this house!