18th November 2018 – 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time (B)

Words from Pope Francis, Dublin – Aug 2018

The Power of Forgiveness in Marriage and Relationships: To “forgive” means to “give” something of yourself. Jesus always forgives us. By the power of his forgiveness, we too can forgive others, if we really want to. Isn’t that what we pray for, when we say the Our Father? Children learn to forgive when they see their parents forgiving one another. If we understand this, we can appreciate the grandeur of Jesus’ teaching about fidelity in marriage. Far from a cold legal obligation, it is above all a powerful promise of God’s own fidelity to his word and his unfailing grace. Christ died for us so that we, in turn, might forgive and be reconciled with one another. In this way, as individuals and as families, we can know the truth of Saint Paul’s words that, when all else passes away, “love never ends.” (Meeting with 350 Couples)                                                        Called to be Missionary Disciples: Each Christian is sent forth to be a missionary, “a missionary disciple”(cf. Evangelii Gaudium, 120).  The Church as a whole is called to “go forth” to bring the words of eternal life to all the peripheries of our world.  …As we now prepare to go our separate ways, let us renew our fidelity to the Lord and to the vocation he has given to each of us.  Taking up the prayer of Saint Patrick, let each of us repeat with joy: “Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me” [repeated in Irish].  With the joy and strength given by the Holy Spirit, let us say to him with confidence: “Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life” (Phoenix Park, Celebration of Eucharist)              New ways of Doing Mission, Be Courageous and Creative: The upheavals of recent years have tested the traditionally strong faith of the Irish people. Yet they have also offered the opportunity for an interior renewal of the Church in this country and pointed to new ways of envisioning its life and mission. “God is eternal newness” and he impels us “constantly to set out anew, to pass beyond what is familiar, to the fringes and beyond” (Gaudete et Exsultate, 135). With humility and trust in his grace, may you discern and set out on new paths for these new times. Be courageous and creative. Surely, the strong missionary sense rooted in the soul of your people will inspire creative ways of bearing witness to the truth of the Gospel and building up the community of believers in the love of Christ and zeal for the growth of his kingdom. (To the Bishops of Ireland)

Special Collection for the World Meeting of Families. A further National Special Collection towards the cost of hosting the World Meeting of Families in August 2018 will be held on Saturday/Sunday, November 24th/25th, 2018 in the Diocese of Cork and Ross.  This is to defray the outstanding deficit of the World Meeting of Families and is part of a National Special Collection.  Any support that you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Marriage Support:  A second collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend for Diocesan Marriage Support services.

Alpha Course in Turner’s Cross
A Turner’s Cross Parish Alpha course begins at the end of January. This is an opportunity to explore the meaning of life in an informal, fun and friendly way. The course continues on Wednesday evenings from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm for ten weeks.
Alpha considers some basic aspects of the Christian faith, including – Who is Jesus? Why Did Jesus Die? How does God guide us? and   [Alpha Logo] What about the Church? We are putting together a team for this course and any parishioners who have completed an Alpha course with us in recent years and would like to help are asked to contact Fr Billy, Bernadette Hegarty, Catechist, or any member of the Parish Assembly.

 Handel’s Messiah at Gurranabraher Church –
The East Cork Choral Society  with soloists Mary Hegarty – Soprano; Sarah-Ellen Murphy – Alto; Peter Stobart – Tenor; Timothy Emberson – Bass with East Cork Orchestra – Eithne Willis, Leader, Conductor Colin Nicholls.  At Ascension Church, on Sunday, December 2, 2018 @ 8pm. Admission – €20. All proceeds towards clearing our Church debt. Tickets from Gurranabraher Parish Office, Pro Musica in Oliver Plunkett St. and from East Cork Choral Society members. Further Information at 021 430 3655.

Human Trafficking. The Sisters of Our Lady of the Apostles invites you to a viewing of HOW MUCH . . ., a short film on human trafficking by the Society of African Missions, at 7.00 pm on Sunday 25th November 2018 at Ardfoyle Convent, Ballintemple.  Tea will be served after the film.  This a contribution to 16 Days of Activism Against Violence towards Women and Children, a worldwide campaign held from 25th November to 10th December every year.

Light up a Memory Mass.  Mass for the Holy Souls in the Sacred Heart Church, Western Road on Saturday 24th November at 6.30 pm. Everybody welcome.

Congregational Singing. From now until Christmas we are introducing a new series of Entrance and Recessional hymns suitable for congregational singing, and would encourage (with the emphasis on courage perhaps) everybody to join in.

Bright Friday A relaxing hour of guided healing
meditations, reflective input, scripture & live music.  Facilitated by Martina Lehane Sheehan  & Patrick Sheehan, St Joseph’s Church, Wilton Friday 23rd November at 7.30pm. (This is a free event!)

Liam Lawton Concert. Join Liam Lawton, supported by the Wilcollane Singers, for “Christmas by Candlelight”, a fundraising concert, in St. Finbarr’s South Church, Dunbar Street, Cork on Thursday, December 6th, 2018 at 7.30pm. Tickets, €20.00 each, available from:  Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett Street, Cork;  The Flying Enterprise, South Gate Bridge, Cork & South Parish Office and Sacristy or by telephoning 085-147 1147.

Autumn Dues envelopes are ready for collection by the Area Collectors in the Sacristy. Many thanks.