30th September 2018 – 26th Sunday Ordinary Time (B)

Gougane Barra Sunday 30th September, 2018
Rosary at 2.30 pm followed by Mas at 3.00 pm.  Bishop John will be the principal celebrant and the homily will be preached by Bishop Ray Browne, Bishop of Kerry.  All welcome.

First Friday: We will visit the sick and housebound this week.   If you would like a visit please contact us.

Anointing of the Sick on Saturday next 6th October at the 10.00 am Mass.

Altar Servers
Parents of children who attend Mass in this church and are in third class or above and are not in our Parish School may collect an Altar Server Application Form and the Child Protection Policy Document in the Sacristy. Current Altar Servers are invited to renew their commitment for the year ahead.  Children attending Bus Scoil Chríost Rí will receive their application forms through the School.    

Ministers of the Eucharist: can collect their Rota for the coming weeks in the Sacristy

The Annual Collection for the Education of Students preparing for Priesthood & Diaconate takes place at all Masses this weekend.

Christ King Girls’ Secondary School Annual Open Evening will take place on Thursday, October 4, 2018, 6.30-8.30pm. Parents and prospective students welcome.

South City Forum:  Gardai and Local Councillors will attend the first meeting of South City Forum at Turner’s Cross Community Centre, Curragh Road on Thursday evening October 4th at 7.30 pm. For residents of Douglas Street, Pouladuff, Ballyphehane, Turner’s Cross and adjoining areas.

Tory Top Library Events
Intercultural Studies Course: Tory Top Library. Oct 5th, 12th & 19th 11.00 -12.30. Booking Essential. (Tel: 4924934)

Saturday 6th Oct @ 11a.m.: Signed story time for the under 7’s with sign language interpreter Ray Greene. Booking Essential. (Tel: 4924934)

South Parish Historical Society Monthly meeting on Wednesday 3rd October at 7.30pm in Nano Nagle Place, Abbey Street.  Danielle O’Donovan will be out host on a tour of the Heritage Centre and a talk on Nano Nagle.

Our NET Ministries team arrives this week and will work in the parishes of Turner’s Cross, Douglas and St Finbarr’s South.  Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the preparation of their house in the South Parish.                                                       

The Family of Faithliving faith – sharing faith
An exploration together of faith development opportunities for all ages in our parishes and diocese  following on from the World Meeting of Families and the visit of Pope Francis

Tuesday 23rd October  8:00pm to 9:30pm  Blackrock Parish Centre