With great joy we welcome Pope Francis to Ireland this weekend, and wish him céad míle fáilte and we join him in praying for families in Ireland and all over the world.
We welcome him as Vicar of Christ on earth and visible head of the Church. He comes to confirm us in our faith as successor to St Peter, who was told by the Lord that he must strengthen the brothers and sisters (Luke 22:32). We need strengthening in these difficult times as we experience hostility to our faith from outside the Church and continuing scandal within. We remember again the passage from the letter of St Jude: Some godless men have slipped in unnoticed among us, who pervert the message of the grace of God to their immoral ends.
Our painful reaction to the abuse scandals is as nothing compared to the suffering of innocent boys and girls, whose damage and suffering continued into their adult years; long and broken years. We pray for healing and comfort for those who have suffered, and that the Church may be healed, the Church of God which is the gathering of God’s people, women and men of good will who had nothing to do with the evil and who have been hurt and harmed by it.
As the Church is wounded by scandal, much of her teaching on family and the sanctity of life has been rejected by contemporary Ireland, and many have walked away from the faith. We seem to hear the Lord saying to us, to each of us, will you go away too? Please God the encouragement of Pope Francis’ visit will help us to say, in the words of St Peter in today’s gospel reading: Lord, who shall we go to, you have the message of eternal life.
We pray that in spite of the difficulties we will rejoice at the presence of the Pope among us, that we will listen to his words, and the reflection on the various aspects of family life emerging from the World Meeting of Families Pastoral Congress. May we show the diminished Ireland of our time that there is an alternative to the death voices of a culture which promises pleasure but cannot give joy or inner peace. May we experience God’s blessing as Pope Francis encourages us to be more and more aware of the joy of family love, which leads to life and true freedom.
God, our Father,
We are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son,
One family, in the Spirit of your love.
Bless us with the joy of love.
Make us patient and kind,
gentle and generous,
welcoming to those in need.
Help us to live your forgiveness and peace.
Protect all families with your loving care,
Especially those for whom we now pray:
[we pause and remember family members and others by name].
Strengthen our hope,
Keep us safe in your love,
Make us always grateful for the gift of life that we share.
This we ask, through Christ our Lord,
Mary, mother and guide, pray for us.
St. Joseph, father and protector, pray for us.
Saint Joachim and Anne, pray for us.
St. Louis and Zelie Martin, pray for us
The Television Broadcast of the Papal Mass in the Phoenix Park will be shown on a very large screen in the Church of Christ the King on this Sunday afternoon. This is an opportunity for those not travelling to Dublin to participate as a Parish group. The transmission will be shown from 2.15 pm, in good time to include the Papal Mass at 3 o’clock. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament afterwards.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Mary O’Shea, Doyle Road, Michael Dorgan, Kilcolman Lawn and Eddie O’Regan, Maiville Tec., who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.
Cork Alzheimers Café a safe place for people with Alzheimers and other dementias, their carers, family and friends along with social and health professionals to meet. Last Friday of each month 1.30-3.30 pm in St Finbarrs Hospital, Douglas Road. Light refreshments provided free of charge. Next meeting Friday 31st August. All welcome.
Deerpark CBS Annual Open Night on Tuesday 11th Sept. 7.00pm – 9.30pm, 4th, 5th and 6th class students welcome. For more information visit our Facebook page or www.deerparkcbs.ie <http://www.deerparkcbs.ie>
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Novena
Sacred Heart Church, Western Road, 31st August – 8th September, daily at 10.00am and 8.00pm.
Cork Autism Conference 2018 – Re-Thinking Autism – A Positive and Integrative Approach, Sunday September 30th, Rochestown Park Hotel, Douglas Cork. Conference provides a unique forum for Parents, Families, Caregivers, Adults with ASD, Employers, Educators, Professionals, Agencies, Advocates and anyone with an interest in autism and aspergers syndrome. call 089 239 8900 or see
www.bookwhen.com/corkautism <http://www.bookwhen.com/corkautism> .
Anam Cara Cork, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding a Bereavement Information Evening on Wednesday, 5th September at 7:30pm
in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli
Emotional Wellbeing for Everyone: An 8 week course on “Realise your Potential” beginning 24th September 7.00pm – 8.30pm at Turners Cross Community Centre, Cost €80. Information and sign up evening 3rd September 7.00pm – 8.00pm. For more information contact Jackie Furlong on 085-8744555 or email jakifurlong@gmail.com