Papal Itinerary
Saturday 25 August 2018
Arrival at Dublin Airport at 10.30 am.
Official Welcome at Áras an Uachtaráin at 11.15am.
Meeting with Authorities and representatives of Civil Society and the Diplomatic Corps in Dublin Castle at 12.10 pm at which the Holy Father will speak.
Visit to St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral and address by the Holy Father at 3.30 pm followed by a private visit to the Capuchin Day Centre for Homeless Families at 4.30 pm.
Arrival at Croke Park for the Festival of Families from 7.30 to 9.30 pm.
Sunday 26 August 2018
Visit to Knock Shrine from 9.45 to 10.45 am, Angelus address.
Arrival at Phoenix Park at 2.30 pm for Mass at 3.00, at which the Pope will preach.
Meeting with the Bishops before arriving at Dublin Airport for a Farewell Ceremony at 6.30 pm and departure at 6.45 pm.
Papal Mass in Phoenix Park on August 26th.
We have fifty-three coach spaces for travel to Dublin on Sunday 26th August. If you wish to travel on the coach please give your name as soon as possible to the sacristy or to one of the priests, a booking deposit of € 5.00 is required. Meals will be arranged for those travelling by coach on the journeys to and from Dublin. We expect that we will have to be in the Phoenix Park some hours before the start of the Papal Mass, and that the walk from the Coach drop off point will take about an hour.
Bishop Buckley has asked that clergy in our area discuss the Mass schedules for this weekend, when many parishioners will be travelling to Dublin for the Papal Mass. Alterations to Mass times may be necessary, to allow priests to travel.
More detailed information will be available for a special meeting in the Church planned provisionally for Friday 29th June at 7.30 pm.
Festival of Families – as announced last week, we have been allocated tickets to invite one family to represent our parish at the Festival of Families on Saturday 25th August at Croke Park with Pope Francis, from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm approximately. Two families have applied so far and a final decision will be made this week. Please let us know by Monday 18th June if you would like to be considered (travel and/or accommodation will be at the expense of the family nominated).
Ice Cream Sunday: Many thanks to everyone who made Ice cream Sunday such a success. Your generosity raised €655 for Down Syndrome Ireland.
Our Students are remembered in the Shared Mass on Fridays at 10.00 am at this time. Special Exam Cards are available in the Sacristy.
Cemetery Mass: in St. Michael’s Cemetery, Blackrock on Wednesday 27th June at 7.00 pm