15th April 2018 – 3rd Sunday of Easter (B)

In the Bible Readings of today’s liturgy the word “witnesses” is mentioned twice.  In the reading from the Acts of the Apostles, St Peter says that he and the apostles are witnesses to the risen Christ.  The second time it is on the lips of the Risen Jesus in the gospel reading as he opens the minds of the disciples to the mystery of his death and Resurrection, saying to them: “You are witnesses to these things.” (Lk 24:48). The Lord shown himself to his disciples so that the truth of his Resurrection would reach everyone by way of their witness. The Church has the duty to continue this mission over time. Every baptized person is called to bear witness, we are all called to testify that Jesus is alive.
Pope Francis comments that the content of Christian witness is not a theory, an ideology or a complex system of rules, but a message of salvation, a real event, a real Person, the Risen Christ.  He is the living and only Saviour of all. We can be witnesses through personal experience of Him, in prayer and in the Church.  That experience has its foundation in Baptism, it is nourished by the Eucharist, it is sealed in Confirmation, and included continual conversion in Penitence.  Every Christian can become a witness of the Risen Jesus, through a life lived by the Gospel, a joyful, courageous, gentle peaceful, merciful life. Such an example communicates the liberating power and infinite tenderness of the risen and living Jesus. We pray that, in spite of all our limitations, by God’s grace and the intercession of Our Lady we may be true witnesses, bringing the Lord’s gifts of joy and peace to a world which needs to hear the message of life.

Papal Mass in Phoenix Park on August 26th. 
Turners Cross Parish has taken one hundred and six tickets for the Croke Park Papal Mass with Pope Francis and has booked two coaches to travel to Dublin on Sunday 26th August.  If you wish to avail of one of the places please give your name as soon as possible to the sacristy or to one of the priests. The estimated cost including meals is € 50.00 and a booking deposit of € 5.00 is required. More detailed information will be available by the end of April, and we plan to have an information meeting for all who are interested early in May,

Deaths:  We remember in our prayers Richard Hurley, Capwell Avenue, Richard Mullins, Capwell Avenue and Alec McMullen, Upper Friars Road who died recently, and extend sympathy to their families.

“Do this in Memory” Mass on this Sunday 15th April at 10am.

Spring Dues:  We would appreciate if the Area Collectors could collect the envelopes for the remaining areas after Mass in the Sacristy. Many thanks.

A second collection at all Masses this weekend in support of Diocesan needs.

Vocations Sunday – 22nd April, 2018
An invitation to men who may be wanting to explore the call to Priesthood in our diocese to come together on Sunday next, 22nd April from 2:30pm to 5:30pm at the Pastoral Development Office in Ballyphehane to reflect and discuss on this vocation in their life.   If you would like to know more about the afternoon contact Fr Charlie Kiely 021 4537603

Coffee Morning: Wednesday 18th April after 10.00 am Mass the Parish Assembly invites us to tea or coffee in the Parish Centre.

The Bishop’s Pastoral Letter on the referendum will be read at all Masses this week-end, and copies will be available after Mass.  Irish people are being asked to remove the unborn child’s right to life.  This is an important issue for all people, for people of faith and people of no faith.  Our faith tells us that we may never destroy innocent human life.  This is an issue that we cannot be silent on.    Go to Notices section on this website  for full the text of the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter.

Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Cork & Ross
The Permanent Diaconate is a voluntary service and deacons combine parish work with family life and fulltime careers.  Many of the functions which deacons perform can also be carried out by lay faithful, and the introduction of the Permanent Diaconate is not intended to change that situation. Deacons strengthened by the grace of ordination can play a key role in the development and coordination of lay parish work.
The diaconate is open to married and single men alike: married men must be at least 35 years on applying; celibate men can be accepted at 25. The preparation takes four years. It is intended to start a new formation course for candidates in Munster in September of this year. Those interested should contact their local priest or the Diocesan Director of the Permanent Diaconate, Canon Bertie O’ Mahony, PP Ballineaspaig. Tel: 021- 434 6940, or Fr Billy O’Sullivan, PP, Turners Cross Tel 021-4313103.