In God’s mercy, all of our infirmities find healing. His mercy seeks to meet all forms of poverty and to free this world of so many types of slavery. Mercy desires to reach the wounds of all, to heal them. Being apostles of mercy means touching and soothing the wounds that today afflict the bodies and souls of many of our brothers and sisters. Soothing these wounds, we make Jesus present and alive to others, so they can recognise him as their Lord and their God, as did the Apostle Thomas. This is the mission that is entrusted to us. So many people need to be listened to and to be understood. The Gospel of mercy requires generous and joyful servants, people who love freely without expecting anything in return. We encounter Jesus and the possibility of Easter joy every time we go to Mass, when we unite ourselves with him and he says “my peace I give you.” With Thomas we answer, “my Lord and my God.”
Papal Mass in Phoenix Park on August 26th.
Turners Cross Parish has taken one hundred and six tickets for the Croke Park Papal Mass with Pope Francis, and has booked two coaches to travel to Dublin on Sunday 26th August. If you wish to avail of one of the places please give your name as soon as possible to the sacristy or to one of the priests. The estimated cost including meals is € 50.00 and a booking deposit of € 5.00 is required.
Easter Offerings: Fr. Billy & Fr. Kerry sincerely thank you for your Easter Offerings – much appreciated.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Thomas O’Sullivan, O’Connell Crescent, Carmel Long, Mount Pleasant Road, and Brother Justinian Collins, Presentation Brothers, Maiville who died recently, and extend sympathy to their families and community.
Diocesan Priesthood: Come and find out more about being a priest in our diocese Sunday 22nd April, 2018 at the Pastoral Development Office, Parochial House, Ballyphehane. Many contemplating the possibility of a vocation to priesthood are nervous about taking the first step. This afternoon allows prospective students to explore the possibility of a vocation and make enquiries in an informal setting. Fr Charlie Kiely 021-4537603 for more information
“Do this in Memory” There will be a meeting of the Parent
Representatives in the Parish Centre on this Monday 9th April.
at 7.30pm. Our next Mass will be Sunday 15th April at 10.00 am
St. Joseph’s Young Priest Society next meeting Tuesday 10th April at 7.30pm in the Parish Centre.
Legion of Mary Acies will be held in St. Joseph’s Church, Blackrock on next Friday April 13th at 7.30pm (Rosary at 7.15pm). All active and auxiliary members welcome.
Parish Assembly meeting in the Parish Centre Thursday 12th April at 8.00 pm.
Spring Dues: We would appreciate if the Area Collectors could collect the envelopes for the remaining areas after Mass in the Sacristy. Many thanks.