NEW YEAR – 2018
This is a time for New Year resolutions. As we reflect on the Baptism of the Lord as described in today’s gospel reading, perhaps one of our New Year resolutions as Christians could be to know Christ better through reading the Bible, by pondering the sacred events in our hearts, as Mary did, as we ask for the renewal of the grace of our own Baptisms. At the beginning of this new year we ask the Holy Spirit to direct our parish. During this year we will spend some time considering the purpose of a parish, and how we can experience and share Joy of the Gospel in the changed Ireland of today.
The Feast of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan by John the Baptist
Some 2018 Parish Calendars are still in the Sacristy. Perhaps Area Collectors could help to distribute them. Many thanks.
Ministers of the Eucharist: The Rota beginning 13th/14th January is available for collection in Sacristy.
Do this in Memory: Meeting with parent class representatives in the Parish Centre this Monday 8th January at 7.30pm. Do This in Memory Mass on Sunday next 14th January, at 10.00 am.
The World Meeting of Families is held every three years in a different city and country. Pope Francis has chosen Dublin for the 2018 meeting from 21st to 26th August, and the theme is The Gospel of the Family: Joy for the World. This major international event will bring together families from across the world to celebrate, to pray and to reflect upon the central importance of marriage and the family, in our lives, in society and in the Church. It is hoped that Pope Francis will be the principal Celebrant at the closing Mass on Sunday 26th August
Anointing of the Sick on Saturday 13th January, after 10.00 am Mass, deferred because of the Holy Day on the 6th.
Parish Assembly meeting on Thursday next 11th December at 8.00 pm.
First Friday: January visits to the sick and housebound will be completed on Thursday and Friday next January 11th and 12th.
Confessions: Saturdays: after the 10am Mass & after Saturday Vigil Mass or ask one of the priests at any time.
Pilgrimage to The Holy Land 10th – 18th October 2018
Visiting Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem and other sites in The Holy Land. Eight night Pilgrimage staying in Tiberius and Bethlehem. Full religious programme
Further details from: Fr. Kerry Murphy-O’Connor 087 2202022 email: or Fr. Charlie Kiely 086 8672377 or give name in Sacristy, Christ King Church, Turner’s Cross.