3rd December 2017 – First Sunday of Advent (B)

The First Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of our spiritual preparation for Christmas.   The commercial preparation has of course been underway for some time.  As Christians we remember that there is a reason for the season, and that it involves more than glitz and parties.  May we enjoy time with family and friends and give generously to those in need as we prepare our hearts to welcome the Christ Child this Christmas.

The Advent Wreath
There are five candles on the wreath, reminding us of the four Sundays of Advent and Christmas. Three are purple, one is pink and one white. The first is a symbol of HOPE, the second of FAITH, the third candle is pink and is lit on “Gaudete Sunday” and is a symbol of JOY, the fourth candle is a symbol of PEACE and the fifth (white) candle symbolises CHRIST and is lit at Christmas as we welcome the Christ Child.

Memorial Acclamation (response to “The Mystery of Faith”).
For the coming year the response will be:
    “When we eat this Bread and drink this Cup,                               
we proclaim your Death, O Lord,
until you come again”.

Feast of the Immaculate Conception on Friday next 8th  December is a Holy Day of obligation.  Vigil Mass on Thursday at 6.00 pm, Masses on Friday at 10.00 am and 6.00 pm.


A Concert in Support of Bunscoil Chríost Rí Development Wednesday December 6th at 7.30pm, Christ the King Church. Cork Garda Male Voice Choir, Wilcollane Singers, Bunscoil Chriost Ri Children’s Choir.  Songs, Carols, Sing-alongs to get you in the mood for Christmas. No charge, donations accepted.

Christmas In the Cathedral: Liam Lawton in concert supported by the Cathedral Parish Choir, Thursday 7th December at 8.00 pm.  Tickets €20 from Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett Street, Nolan Butchers, Shandon Street, Cathedral Presbytery 021 4304325, Cathedral Sacristy 021 4210717, the Cathedral Visitor Centre.

First Friday visits to the sick and housebound will take place on Thursday and Friday 7th and 8th Dec.

  Anointing of the Sick Saturday 9th December after the 10.00 am Mass.

  Ministers of the Word & Eucharist may collect their Rota from the Sacristy.

 Altar Decoration for Christmas:  If you would to give a Red Poinsettia plant to decorate the Altar for Christmas, it would be much appreciated

Society of St Vincent de Paul: Next weekend the second collection at all Masses is the Christmas Collection for the Society of St Vincent de Paul, giving us all an opportunity to contribute financially to the support of those in need in our locality this Christmas. The Society thanks you for your continuing generosity and wishes a happy and holy Christmas to all.

 Turners Cross Community Association Santa Claus is visiting on Saturday December 9th, starting 11 o’clock. Free event, all welcome.  Refreshments served.

Turners Cross Senior Citizens Party in Nemo Rangers Club on Sunday December 10th at 3 o’clock.  Names to be handed into Church or Club by Wednesday 6th December.

The Jesse Tree Symbols for the First Sunday of Advent
The first symbol is a dove, recalling the peace and harmony of creation as God intended.
The second symbol is an apple, representing original sin. Christ is called the new Adam who ushered in a new creation, forgiving sin and restoring humanity to God’s grace.
The third symbol of the ark reminds us that although God was displeased with the wickedness of the men and women he had created, he also sees the best in us and renews his covenant with us through forgiveness and mercy.

 Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament: after 10.00 am Mass to 11.00 am on Wednesdays of Advent.

Morning Prayer on Fridays of Advent:  Morning Prayer of the Church (Lauds) after 10.00 am Mass on each Friday of Advent.

Parish Assembly Meeting: Thursday 7th December at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre.

Christmas gifts with a difference. Trocaire Gifts and Gift Cards will be available at the back of the Church from members of the Parish Assembly during the Sundays of December.

Parish Christmas & Triduum Cards  will be available in the Parish Office after Masses from next weekend   The Triduum of Masses will be offered on 23, 24, 25 Dec.

Pilgrimage to The Holy Land October 2018
Visiting Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem and other sites in The Holy Land.   Eight night Pilgrimage staying in Tiberius and Bethlehem. Full religious programme. Further details from Fr. Kerry Murphy-O’Connor  087 2202022  email:  kerrymoc@eircom.net  or give name in Sacristy, Christ King Church, Turner’s Cross.

Veritas and the Pastoral Development Office invite all parishioners to the launch of the book “55 ways to connect with families in your parish” by Sr Karen Kent osu on Sunday 3rd December at 4pm in Saint Columba’s Church, Douglas beginning with a time of Advent Prayer based on the book.  All are welcome.

SAMUEL PROGRAMME – Are you aged 18-35 and wondering what God is calling you to do with your life? Join the Samuel Programme for 6 months – gatherings once a month in the Franciscan Friary Killarney on Sunday evenings. For details email eavopost@gamil.com or call Anne-Marie 0872209994

SS Peter & Paul’s Church, Cork City.  Handel’s Messiah with Soloists, Choir and Full Orchestra, Saturday 16th December, 2017 at 8.00pm.  Tickets €20, in aid of Cork Simon Community and Penny Dinners. Full details on Church Notice Board.