19th November 2017 – 33rd Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

                 USING OUR GIFTS
The poem in praise of a perfect wife at the end of the Book of Proverbs is somewhat foreign to our culture and even seems condescending to women   It might seem a little less strange if we imagine it as being written by an ancient Irish mother, anxious to find a suitable wife for her precious son!  And in fact this end section of the Book of Proverbs is headed “the sayings of Lemuel king of Massa, taught him by his mother.”  The piece has been regarded as a poem in praise of wisdom, traditionally thought of as female.

The wise person is someone who is loving, who helps those in need, who gives to the poor and is business-like and hardworking, someone who “gets on with it,” and uses his or her talents in loving service. Some of us may feel that our talents don’t amount to much, that we are not as gifted, say, as the ten talent man in the parable, yet we all have some gifts, given by God for a purpose.  Spiritual gifts are given for the good of all; if they are not used, they will not be fruitful, but when ordinary people accept and use their giftedness great things are achieved in the kingdom of God.

PARISH CELEBRATION 25th November, 2017
A number of significant milestones in the life of our parish occurred over the past year or so.  We wish to mark Sacristan Jack Kiely’s long service to the church and parish community in Turner’s Cross and his 80th birthday this year.  We also want to belatedly acknowledge Fr Kerry’s retirement last year and his 80th birthday.  We celebrate Rev. Frank McKevitt’s diaconate ordination and bid farewell to Br Aidan McHugh, following his transfer to Mount St Joseph.   These events will be recalled in prayer at the 6.00 pm Mass on Saturday next 25th November, 2017.  After Mass we will gather for food, music, presentations and a little craic in the Nano Nagle Hall, Bunscoil Chriost Ri.  All are invited, so save the date.

 “Do this in Memory”   There will be a meeting of the Parent Representatives in the Parish Centre on this Monday 20th Nov. at  7.30pm.  Our next Mass will be on  Sunday 26th Nov. at 10.00 am


Autumn Dues envelopes are ready for collection by the Area Collectors in the Sacristy. Many thanks.

Deaths:  We pray for Jim (Max) McMullen, Deerpark, and Michael O’Connell, Evergreen Road, who died recently.  We extend our sympathy to their families.

Diocese of Cork and Ross Vocation Discernment for men aged 18 to 40 who are thinking about priesthood. Monthly gatherings at the Pastoral Development Office, Ballyphehane beginning on Wednesday 29th November from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Further information contact Fr Charlie Kiely on 021 4537603

Marriage Support: Second collection at all Masses this weekend 18th/19th November for Diocesan Marriage Support services.

Encountering Family in the Gospels and how Pope Francis links this into Amoris Laetitia.  Wednesdays 22nd, 29th November and 6th December from 7:30pm to 9:00pm at the Ursuline Convent, Blackrock – access from Convent Road.  All welcome, contact Sr Karen at 087 9161792.

Cork Alzheimers Café a safe place for people with Alzheimers and other dementias, their carers, family and friends along with social and health professionals to meet. Last Friday of each month 1.30–3.30 pm in St Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Road. Light refreshments provided free of charge. All welcome. Our next meeting is Friday 24th November.

Cork Alzheimer Foundation, Togher: Vacancies for Care Support Staff (CE Scheme).  Applicants must supply character reference and be prepared to complete a Garda Vetting application form.  19.5 Hours per week.  Please forward CV to Sheila Scolley, Cork Alzheimer Foundation, Doughcloyne, Togher Cross, or email corkalzheimer@gmail.com

Christmas in the Cathedral: Liam Lawton in concert supported by the Cathedral Parish Choir Thursday 7th December at 8.00 pm.  Tickets € 20 from Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett Street, Nolan Butchers, Shandon Street, Cathedral Presbytery 021 4304325, Cathedral Sacristy 021 4210717, the Cathedral Visitor Centre.

Christian Meditation with Children:  An introductory meeting about meditating with children in the family will be held on 22nd November at 7.30pm in St. Columba’s Parish Centre, Douglas.  Led by Rita O’Connell and Mary O’Connor.

Christmas Decoration Demonstration in aid of Bru Columbanus with Mary O’Farrell, O’Farrell’s Bandon and Carole Horgan, Best of Buds at Bru Columbanus, Cardinal Way, Wilton on 22nd November at 7.30pm Tickets €15 (including refreshments) from O’Farrells Bandon and Bru Columbanus