29th October 2017 – 30th Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

Feast of all Saints Wednesday 1st November.  Masses:  Vigil Tuesday 6.00 pm.  Wednesday 10.00 am & 6.00 pm

Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day) Thursday 2nd November, Masses at 10.00 am and 6.00 pm
Holy Souls.  Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls from Thurs
2nd Nov. to Fri. 10th Nov. Evening Mass at 6.00 pm except Sunday.  Novena envelopes available at the exit doors can be placed in the box at the altar rails.

A Plenary Indulgence for the souls of the departed may be gained by visiting a church or oratory and there reciting one Our Father and the Apostles’ Creed between noon on November 1st and midnight on All Souls’ Day (November 2nd), by all who confess their sins during the weeks before or after All Souls’ Day, receive Holy Communion between the 1st and 8th November and pray for the Pope’s intentions.  The faithful who visit a cemetery and pray for the dead may gain also gain a plenary indulgence once per day from Nov 1st to 8th, subject to the same conditions.

Remembrance Weekend 4th & 5th November. All Masses will be offered for our Dead remembering especially those who have died since November 2016.  Nightlights available at back of Church to light and place at the altar rail in their memory.   Remembrance Weekend is an opportunity to give thanks for the wonderful gift of family, kind neighbours and friendship.  All of us are shaped and influenced by what has happened in the past and during November we pray for those who have died and acknowledge their influence on our own lives.

 Read Pope Francis on Twitter  https://twitter.com/pontifex


Deaths:  We pray for Josie Casey, Friars Road who died recently.  We extend our sympathy to her family.
First Friday: We will visit the sick and housebound this week. If you would like a visit please contact us.

Anointing of the Sick: Saturday 4th Nov. at 10.00 am Mass. 

Thanks from World Missions Ireland for last week’s Mission Sunday collection. To continue supporting mission throughout the year, please go to www.wmi.ie <http://www.wmi.ie> <http://www.wmi.ie> or call 01 4972035 for further information.

South Parish Historical Society meeting on Wednesday November 1st at 7.30 p.m. in St John’s College, Sawmill Street, on the topic of ‘Unfree Labour in 19th Century Cork’. The guest speaker is Barra O’Donnabhain. Non-members €3. All welcome.

The month of November is dedicated to praying for the Holy Souls. The Church has always taught us to pray for those who have gone before us.

The following is a list of the prayers and blessing scheduled in the local cemeteries during the month of November:

Saint Oliver’s Cemetery, Model Farm Road         2:00 pm with Mass


St Joseph’s Cemetery, Tory Top Road               2.30pm
Kilquane Cemetery Knockraha                               after 10.00 am Mass
Little Island Cemetery                                              after 11.00am Mass
Templeisque Cemetery                                            2:00 pm                       Douglas Cemetery                                                   3.00pm
Rathcooney Cemetery                                              3:00 pm
St James Cemetery, Chetwynd, Togher                 3:00 pm

St Mary & St John, Ballincollig                                 Mass at 12.00 noon

Ballyverry Cemetery,  Glanmire,                              after 11am Mass
Ballyvinny Cemetery, Knockraha,                           1:00 pm
Ballyluchra Cemetery,  Glanmire,                           1:45 pm
St Finbarr’s Cemetery, Glasheen Road,                 2:30 pm
St Michael’s Cemetery, Blackrock                           3:00 pm
St Catherine’s Cemetery, Kilcully                            3:00 pm

May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen

Society of St. Vincent de Paul: The October Church Gate collection amounted to €1,547. This amount with additional funding from the Society, has been expended in this parish.  The Society thanks you most sincerely for your generosity and continued support and looks forward to your assistance with the November collection on next weekend – 5th November. 


Family Prayer for World Meeting of Families 2018
God, our Father,
We are brothers and sisters in Jesus your Son,
One family, in the Spirit of your love.
Bless us with the joy of love.
Make us patient and kind,
gentle and generous,
welcoming to those in need.
Help us to live your forgiveness and peace.
Protect all families with your loving care,
Especially those for whom we now pray:
[we pause and remember family members
and others by name].
Increase our faith,
Strengthen our hope,
Keep us safe in your love,
Make us always grateful for the gift of life that we share.
This we ask, through Christ our Lord,