1st October 2017 – 26th Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES: This international event is to be hosted in Ireland next August at the request of Pope Francis. It is expected that the five-day event will culminate in a proposed visit by Pope Francis for the closing of the gathering.
On Thursday 4th May Bishop Buckley launched the preparation programme for the parishes of the Diocese and our Parish preparation programme begins next weekend 7th – 8th October and will include a variety of faith activities over the months leading to August 2018.

Having Faith in Families:  A talk by Professor Eamonn Conway of Mary Immaculate College on Sunday 15th October from 3:00pm to 5:00pm at Christ the King Church, Turner’s Cross.  This is part of our preparation for the World Meeting of Families.  We look forward to welcoming you there – donation only.

The Parish Assembly:  Our new Parish Assembly concludes a three-week training phase with its first regular meeting on next Thursday 5th October in the Parish Centre at 8.00 pm. Our thanks to those parishioners who have generously committed their time and energy to this service of God and his people.  Thanks also to the Steering Group which met during the period between the previous Assembly and the new one.

Mission Month of October 2017 This year, Mission Sunday falls on 22nd October and this weekend marks the start of the Mission Month of October. World Missions Ireland is the Holy Father’s official charity for overseas mission and is responsible for coordinating Mission Sunday in Ireland. A calendar of events has been put in place by World Missions Ireland throughout the month of October, details of which can be found at http://www.wmi.ie

First Holy Communion. The 10.00 am Mass on Sunday next October 8th October will be the Enrolment Mass for 2018 First Holy Communion and the first Do this in Memory Mass of this year’s preparation programme.

Deaths:  We pray for Maureen Jones, Capwell Road who died recently.  We extend our sympathy to her family.

  Anointing of the Sick on Saturday next 7th October at the 10.00 am Mass.  Consider offering a lift to a housebound neighbour.

First Friday: Fr. Billy will visit the sick and housebound this week.   If you would like a visit please contact us.

Ministers of the Word may collect their Rota from the Sacristy.

Christ King Girls’ Secondary School is holding an Open Evening on Thursday 5th of October, 2017 from 6.30pm- 8.30pm.  All parents and prospective students are welcome.

Anam Cara. Bereavement Information Evening on Wednesday 4th October at 7:30pm in the Clayton Silver Springs Hotel, Tivoli. This is a free event open to all bereaved parents. Please RSVP to info@anamcara.ie before Tuesday 3rd October so that numbers of teas, coffees etc. can be confirmed, or call 085 2888 888.

8 Week “Ageing Well Group” run by HSE Occupational Therapists starts 3rd October at 11.00am – 12.30pm at Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane.  If you are over 60 and want to find out more about physical and mental health, sleep habits, ways to overcome loneliness and safety in the home and community, contact Triona on 086-7871009 to book a place.  Places are free.

County Senior Football Semi Final: Nemo v Duhallow, Sunday 1st October in Pairc Ui Rinn at 2.15 pm

Volunteer with Trocaire in Ireland.  Our network of school volunteers helps us to educate and inspire young people across the county by delivering talks, presentations and workshops on our global justice work. Are you passionate about global justice issues and do you think you could inspire young people to feel the same?   If you are interested in helping us in this work, get in touch on volunteering@trocaire.org.  Full training and support.

Diocesan Quarterly Collection at all Masses next weekend 7th and 8th October to support the work of the dioceses.

Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor   1932 – 2017 The Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm this weekend is offered for the repose of the soul of Cardinal Cormac.   Bishop John is the Principal Celebrant at this Month’s Mind Mass as we celebrate the late Cardinal’s legacy of faith and remember his affection for Cork and his family members here, and his kindness to the Diocese and to our parish of Turner’s Cross.