Jesus’ parable of the workers in the vineyard tells us of God’s goodness to those who do not deserve it. At times, we may have something of the attitude of the workers who worked a full day, the attitude of the elder brother of the prodigal son. God’s goodness to others, to repentant sinners who in our estimation certainly do not deserve the same treatments as us, will only be a source of envy if we don’t really know God. We are called to have the Father’s attitude of love. We don’t earn our salvation, we just accept it as God gives without limit. The master of the vineyard gives us an example of God’s ways, which are not our ways. In the first reading of today’s Mass we read: “for my thoughts are not your thoughts, my ways not your ways – it is the Lord who speaks. Yes, the heavens are as high above earth as my ways are above your ways, my thoughts above your thoughts.”
The parable of the vineyard is a parable of God’s goodness, of his grace. The Kingdom of Heaven is the kingdom of the new commandment of love. If we try to live in accordance with that commandment and to seek to know the Lord when he is still to be found, we will indeed find him, and know that peace of Christ which is beyond all human understanding.
Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor. The Vigil Mass at 6.00 pm next Saturday 30th September will be offered for the repose of the soul of Cardinal Cormac. Bishop John will be the Principal Celebrant at this Month’s Mind Mass as we celebrate the late Cardinal’s legacy of faith and remember his affection for Cork and his family members here, and his kindness to the Diocese and to our parish.
The Annual Collection for the Education of Students preparing for Priesthood & Diaconate takes place at all Masses this weekend. This collection is the principal source of funding.
Visiting Seminarian: We welcome Ronan Sheehan from Newcestown, a student for the priesthood for the Diocese of Cork & Ross, who will be on placement in our parish until next May. Ronan has completed his fourth year of studies in Maynooth.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The September Church Gate Collection amounted to €1,080. The Society depends on our contributions and thanks us for our continued support.
Anam Cara. Bereavement Information Evening on Wednesday 4th October at 7:30pm in the Clayton Silver Springs Hotel, Tivoli. This is a free event open to all bereaved parents. Please RSVP to info@anamcara.ie before Tuesday 3rd October so that numbers of teas, coffees etc. can be confirmed, or call 085 2888 888.
Christ King Girls’ Secondary School is holding an Open Evening on Thursday 5th of October, 2017 from 6.30pm- 8.30pm. All parents and prospective students are welcome.
The Marymount Coffee Morning raised €950. Sincere thanks from the Chris Fitzgerald and the Turner’s Cross Marymount Team, to those who donated cakes and all who supported them on the day, your support is greatly appreciated.
Beginning Experience is a Support Programme for men and women who have suffered the loss of a spouse by death, separation or divorce to work through the grief process in a safe and confidential environment. The next weekend in Ennismore Retreat Centre, from Friday 6th to Sunday 8th October, 2017. Application Forms and details contact 087 9886480 or email beginningexpeirence@gmail.com
Cork Alzheimers Café where people with memory problems including Alzheimers and other dementias, their carers, family and friends may meet, together with social and health professionals. Last Friday of each month 1.30 – 3.30 pm in St. Finbarr’s Hospital, Douglas Rd. Light refreshments free of charge. All welcome. Next meeting Friday 29th September
8 Week “Ageing Well Group” run by HSE Occupational Therapists starts 3rd October at 11.00am – 12.30pm at Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane. If you are over 60 and want to find out more about physical and mental health, sleep habits, ways to overcome loneliness and safety in the home and community, contact Triona on 086-7871009 to book a place. Places are free.
Inter-Church Alpha Courses starting Tuesday 3rd October weekly 8.00pm – 10.00 pm (10 week course) at Rathpeacon National School and “The Glade,” St. Senan’s Church, Inniscarra. Contact Theresa Cronin on 087-2212551, email theresa@alphaireland.org
Access to Church Grounds. Because of essential Church maintenance there will be no access to the Church grounds from Monday 25th September from 11.00am to 6.00pm, until works are completed. It will be possible to enter the Church through the main doors facing Evergreen Road.