17th September 2017 – 24th Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

The Lord has given us a great gift in teaching us to forgive – or at least to try to forgive – and in this way to touch the Father’s mercy!  Jesus taught us in the Our Father to say: “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”  Today’s parable tells us exactly this: just as God has forgiven us, so we too should forgive those who do us harm. The trespasses are our sins in the sight of God, and those who trespass against us are those whom we, for our part, must forgive.
The problem comes whenever we have to deal with someone who has even slightly offended us. We demand justice, a reaction unworthy of Christ’s disciples. Jesus teaches us to forgive without limit: “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.”
God’s forgiveness knows no limits; it is greater than anything we can imagine.  We come before the lord, confessing our guilt and asking forgiveness, and promise to amend our lives.  Is something missing, have we forgiven those who have harmed us?  From the Our Father we know that “the forgiveness that God will give you” requires “the forgiveness that you give to others”.  God always forgives, but he also requires that we forgive, and if we don’t, this is in a sense closing God’s door of forgiveness to us. This is a door that we need to keep open.  Let us allow God’s forgiveness to come to us as we forgive others.

Rev. Frank McKevitt became one of the first two Permanent Deacons in our Diocese of Cork and Ross when he was ordained by Bishop Buckley last Sunday.   We congratulate our new Deacon and pray God’s blessing on him, on his wife Rena and their sons Darragh, Brian and Conor.

Deaths:  We pray for Lindsey Doyle, Greenhills Court, Ann Crowley, Congress Road and Brendan Godsil late of South Douglas Road, who died recently.  We extend our sympathy to their families.

The SMA National Novena in honour of St. Therese will begin on Saturday 23rd September at the African Missions Church, Blackrock Road, and will end on 1st October.   The Novena will be celebrated each evening at 7.30pm (except Saturday 23 and 30th September at 7.00pm).  For further information please contact: SMA Blackrock Road at 021-4292871 or SMA Wilton at 021-4541069

Faith and Light Group that meets the 3rd Saturday of every month from 3.30pm to 5.30 pm in the Ardfoyle Convent Ballintemple.  Based on the spirituality of Jean Vanier Faith and Light welcomes everyone especially those with an intellectual disability their family and friends.   We welcome any one who would like to join us.  We celebrate mass have a cup of tea and a get together !  Lenora Duane 0860636413

Special Triduum in honour of Padre Pio will take place at the Holy Trinity Church, Fr. Mathew Quay on 20th, 21st  and 22nd September at 10.00am and 7.30pm

Encountering Family in the Gospel: three sessions exploring family in the Gospels as we prepare for the World Meeting of Families – Wednesdays 20th  & 27th  September and 4th  October from 10:45am to 12 noon  (after 10am Mass) in the Parish Centre at the The Lough, facilitated by Fr Charlie/Sr Karen from the Pastoral Development Office.  All are welcome.

The feast day of St. Finbarr, Patron Saint of the Diocese of Cork is celebrated on the 25th of September.  This year pilgrims will gather on Sunday, September 24th to celebrate ‘Gougane Sunday’.  Rosary will be recited in the Oratory at 2.00pm and Mass will be celebrated in the Oratory at 2.30pm.  Bishop David G. O’Connell, Episcopal Vicar of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles will preach the homily this year.