3rd September 2017 – 22nd Sunday Ordinary Time (A)


Jesus has begun to teach something new to the disciples, who have only just realised that he is “the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” In the first prophesy of his passion, Jesus tells them that he must suffer and die. This prompts an immediate protest from Peter and, in turn, a strong rebuke from Our Lord, and we are shocked by the force of that rebuke to Peter; “get behind me, Satan!”  There is danger ahead, and Jesus and his followers are going to walk straight into it.  It’s as if he said: “come and be losers.”  This was hard for the disciples to take, hard for Peter and hard for us.  We, like the disciples, must follow Jesus on the road to Jerusalem, must take up our cross every day, and anything that gets in the way is not of God. To save our lives, we must lose them, and if we lose our lives for Jesus’ sake, only then will we really begin to live. Following Jesus is not a walk in the park, it is not a pleasant walk by the Sea of Galilee, but a walk into danger and possibly suffering.  It’s not easy, but it is the only way to go.

 Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor:  We pray for Cardinal Cormac who died on Friday as we remember his many visits to Turner’s Cross Parish.  Fr Kerry celebrated Mass with Cardinal Cormac in his hospital room on Wednesday last, and we offer our sympathy to him and to all the Cardinal’s family and friends in Ireland.


 Pope Francis’ Apostolic Visit to Colombia: We pray for Pope Francis as he prepares for his pastoral visit to Columbia, from the 6th to the 11th September.  He travels to bring the message of the Gospel and to encourage the peace process following the Government’s agreement with the FARC rebel group last November, ending 52 years of conflict which left 260,000 people dead, 60,000 unaccounted for, and over 7 million displaced. The peace process has been strongly supported by the Church and by the Pope himself.

 Deaths:  We pray for Thomas (Toss) O’Leary, Ashdale Park. who died recently.  We extend our sympathy to his family.

Parish Pastoral Assembly.  The Parish Assembly Steering Group will meet in the Parish Centre on Thursday next September 7th at 8.00 pm, as we prepare for the formation of the formation of the 2017 – 2020 Assembly.

Cork and Ross Pastoral Development Office – vacancy for Receptionist/Secretary.  Must be eligible for CE scheme – 19.5 hours per week.  Please send cv and cover letter to southsidetdl@eircom.net  by 15th September.

Diaconate in the Diocese of Cork & Ross.

David Lane of Mayfield (Upper) Parish and Frank McKevitt, a Turner’s Cross parishioner will be ordained as Permanent Deacons on Sunday next, September 10th, 2017.  They will be the first ever Permanent Deacons of the Diocese of Cork and Ross.  The Ordination Mass in the Cathedral is at 3.00 pm, and parishioners are welcome.  We wish Frank well and pray for him and his family as he prepares to make a generous gift of his life to God and to God’s people in our Diocese.

 Turners Cross Active Retirement are re-opening on Tuesday next 5th September in the Centre, Capwell Road, at 7.30pm. New members welcome.

 Anam Cara, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 6th of September from 19:30 to 21:00 in the Clayton Hotel, Silver Springs, Tivoli, Cork. Open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.

2017 Novena to Our Lady of the Sacred Heart at the Sacred Heart Church, Western Road, continues to Friday next, 8th September.  The Novena is preached by Fr. John Finn MSC, at 10.00am and 8.00pm daily.

 SMA Pilgrimage to Lourdes 17th – 22nd September, 2017. Five nights, full board in the Hotel Roissy. Director: Fr. Hugh B. Harkin SMA, African Missions, Blackrock Road Tel: 021-4292871