25th June 2017 – 12th Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese of Cork & Ross
As announced in April, David Lane of Upper Mayfield Parish and Frank McKevitt of Turner’s Cross Parish will be ordained as Permanent Deacons on Sunday, September 10th, 2017, in the Cathedral.  The diaconate is open to married and single men, and deacons combine parish work with family life and fulltime careers. Frank and David will be the first married deacons in our diocese. We are beginning to see vocations to the Permanent Diaconate in Ireland, fifty-one permanent deacons have been ordained in recent years and sixty-eight candidates are in training. Those interested in serving God in this way should contact their local priest, or the Diocesan Director of the Permanent Diaconate, Canon Bertie O’ Mahony, PP Ballineaspaig. Tel: 021- 434 6940.

The longest journey must begin with the first step, and so it was for me. Attendance at a number of liturgies celebrating the call to service, supported by the pastoral development office, set in train a response from within me, a sort of nagging, or questioning? Perhaps the Lord was calling on me to reflect on a wider call to serve.
An opportunity arose and with the support of Rena I began my Diaconate journey this month four years ago. It was a journey into the unknown, but one to which I felt compelled to explore. After a year of discernment and again supported by my family I was accepted as a candidate for the Permanent Diaconate. Now 13 and representing four Munster dioceses’ we enrolled as students of Saint Patrick’s College Maynooth, and commenced our course of studies over three academic years which, with Bishop John’s blessing, will culminate in my Ordination on the 10th September in the Cathedral.
The journey has enriched my family, spiritual, and professional life. The subjects studied included Scripture, Theology, Liturgy, Law and Church History. I am sure you have all heard the saying that it takes a village to rear a child. In my case I can testify that it takes a parish community to foster a Diaconate vocation. I am humbled and will be forever grateful for your prayers and encouragement, the wisdom of many, including our Diocesan support group, and particularly Fr Billy & Fr Kerry.

The symbol of the Diaconate is the basin and the towel, a reminder to the Deacon that he is at the service of the worshiping community from which he came. With trust in the Lord and guided by the Spirit, supported by family and you, my hope is that I shall prove worthy.
–  Frank McKevitt


The Peter’s Pence Collection  will be taken up this weekend 24th /25th June. This Collection unites us in solidarity with Pope Francis and his works of charity toward those who are suffering around the world.  Let us always keep Pope Francis in our prayers.

Anointing of the Sick on Saturday next 1st July at the 10.00 am Mass.0

Mass will be celebrated at St. Michael’s Cemetery, Blackrock  on Wednesday 28th June at 7 p.m.

Prayer for the Canonization of Venerable Nano Nagle
Gracious and loving God,
we place before you the Cause of the Canonization of Venerable Nano Nagle.  Bless the Presentation Family and the Church by declaring Nano Nagle’s Sainthood.   With her lantern light for our journey, may we be blessed with the vision, courage and fidelity that stirred Nano to passionate service to those made poor and abandoned.  We ask this in the name of Jesus, in whom she found light and strength.

Cork Autism Conference – Understanding Autism, Empowering Potential. On Sunday, September 17th, 8.30am – 5.30 at Clayton Hotel Silver Springs, Cork. www.bookwhen.com/autismcork <http://www.bookwhen.com/autismcork>  or call 089 239 8900

Graduation Mass:  The 10am Mass on this Monday 26th June will be the Graduation Mass for Bunscoíl Chríost Rí Sixth Classes as they prepare to leave primary school. The Mass will be offered for the children, their parents and families. Our prayers and good wishes go with them. The school choir will sing at this Mass.

Fr. Mathew Commemoration. The 6th annual commemoration in honour of Fr. Mathew will be held in St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Tory Top Road on June 28th at 7.30 p.m. Prayers will be led by Fr Colm O’ Shea, S.M.A.  Refreshments in Togher Community Centre. Everyone welcome, organised by Cork Pioneers.

CantorSchool offers liturgy training for cantors, choir directors, organists in September. Corkman, Fr. Fergus Ryan, OP, teaching liturgy in Rome, is the director. For confident vocalists/musicians. Held in Cork city. Email fergus.ryan@dominicans.ie; CantorSchool.blogspot.com <http://CantorSchool.blogspot.com> ; Facebook.com/CantorSchool