The Ascension of Jesus is remembered at our Sunday Mass this weekend. His mission is over, his passion, death and resurrection have been accomplished and he is ascending “to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” As followers of Christ we are sent to proclaim the Good News of salvation, to the ends of the earth, to be witnesses to the Gospel in the day-to-day details of our lives, by our standards of honesty, kindness and love for each other. This is not easy when the Church has been humiliated by scandal and by failures at institutional level, and when open hostility to our faith is experienced. However, we go as Christ commanded us in the power he has given us through the Holy Spirit and we remember his promise to be with us to the end of time. For our witness to be genuine it must be cheerful and joyful, and not involve triumphalism in any way. We are called to be a humble Church, followers of the one who is “gentle and humble of heart.”
A special collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend 27th – 28th May for the cost of hosting the World Meeting of Families in Ireland in August of next year. The five-day event will culminate in the proposed visit to Ireland by Pope Francis.
Minister of the Word Rota for Summer 2017 is available for collection in the sacristy
Traffic Disruption during Cork City Marathon, Sunday 4th June, 2017 Access to the Church from South Douglas Road/ Skabeg and Curragh Road will be affected. Signage will be in place to direct traffic from the South Douglas Road onto the Cross Douglas Road via Douglas Road and onto Capwell Road. On leaving the carpark, the signs will direct traffic to return the way they came, there will be limited access from the southern end of Capwell Road left only onto the South Douglas Road. Curragh Road will be closed to traffic. Access to the Church and church car park from Evergreen Road will not be affected. A map of the route is on the notice board at the back of the Church.
All Ireland Rosary Rally, Knock Shrine, Saturday 3rd June
(25 Anniversary of Fr Payton) Centenary Year of Fatima
Bus leaving Patricks Quay Cork at 7.00am for further information
Contact Denise 086 0502727
SMA Pilgrimage to Lourdes 17th – 22nd September, 2017. Five nights, full board in the Hotel Roissy. Director: Fr. Hugh B. Harkin SMA, African Missions, Blackrock Road Tel: 021-4292871
Pope Francis seeks the views of young people.
Young people aged 16-29 are invited to complete the survey for Pope Francis with their views on church today, at <>
Our Students are remembered in our Shared Mass every Friday at 10am. Special Cards are available in the Sacristy for those doing and preparing for exams.
Cork Parkinson’s Support Group Fundraising Coffee Morning, Monday 29th May, 2017 11.00am – 4.00pm. Venue: Tom & Mary O’Sullivan’s, Rathdermot, Lios Cross, Ballygarvan. Your support is appreciated.
L’Arche, Cork – Imagine the World Differently. Join us for a screening of L’Arche’s film series “As I Am” and an open forum to talk about the place of disabilities in our current world at Boole 1, UCC, College Road on Thursday 1st June, 2017 at 7.00 pm – Free Entry
Society of St. Vincent de Paul – The May Church Gate collection amounted to €1,562. Since that collection date the local conference has expended that amount of money and provided some extra assistance in the parish. Without your help the Society could not function and we thank you most sincerely for your generosity and continued support. We look forward to your help with the June collection next weekend.
Anam Cara: Remembrance Evening for bereaved parents on Wednesday 7th June at the Clayton Hotel, Tivoli, Cork from 19:30 to 21:00. To help us plan this event please let us know if you will be attending and you are welcome to bring a photograph of your child. We will need you to RSVP to or 085 2888 888 before Friday 2nd June.
Death: We remember in our prayers Gerard and Rena Dunne, South Douglas Road, whose anniversaries occur around this time.