At Easter when the Alleluia resounds again, we celebrate the Risen Christ, the centre and fulfilment of the universe and history. The one who was mocked and killed is King of Kings, is Lord. He is the first born from the dead, risen as he said, the source of our hope as we journey through this valley of tears. We pray for grace to accept the mercy offered to us in this Year of Mercy and enter into his Easter joy.
Pope Francis says the Christian belief in the Resurrection of Christ and in our own resurrection at the end of time is more than just wishful thinking, but rather implies confidence in something certain. “This is the Christian hope. Christian hope is the expectation of something that has already been accomplished and that certainly will be realized for each of us.
We need to return to the root and foundation of our faith, so as to become aware of what God has done for us in Christ Jesus and what our death means.”
Happy Birthday: Pope Francis visited the Pope Emeritus Benedict at his residence, Mater Ecclesiae monastery in the Vatican gardens on Wednesday afternoon to offer Easter greetings and best wishes for Benedict’s 90th birthday.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Timothy Harrington, Summerhill South who died recently. We extend our sympathy to his family.
Vocations to Priesthood
The Diocese will host its annual come and see afternoon for those who are interested in knowing more about being a priest in the diocese and the formation and training involved on Sunday 7th May from 2:30pm to 5pm at the Pastoral Development Office in Ballyphehane. Further details from Fr Charlie 021 4537603; Fr Tom Deenihan 021 4301717; Fr Bertie O’Mahony 021 4346940; Fr Aidan O’Driscoll 023 8833165. “Vocations aren’t the result of planning but an encounter with God that changes your life.” Pope Francis.
Cork and Ross Lourdes Pilgrimage
There is still availability on our annual diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes from 11th to 16th June. To book contact Joe Walsh Tours in Cork 021 4277959. For booking for the sick/assisted section contact Canon James O’Donovan PP, Parochial House, Ballinlough, 021 4292296.
World Meeting of Families
Information leaflets are available this weekend in all our churches across the diocese – please take a copy home with you as you prepare to participate in this international event in Ireland in 2018.
Pope Francis’ questionnaire for young people aged from sixteen to twenty-nine is now available for completion on our Diocesan website <> or the Cork and Ross Facebook page <> This questionnaire from the Pope gives a voice to all young people as he prepares for the next synod on young people to take place in 2018/2019.
Divine Mercy Sunday special celebration on Sunday 23rd April 2017 at the Church of the Real Presence, Curraheen, at 2.00pm.
Happy Easter
From the Parish Assembly and the Priests of the Parish – “A Happy Easter.” Our prayer for you is that the Joy and Peace of the Risen Christ be with you this Easter.
Our sincere thanks to all who helped with the Holy Week Ceremonies, The Parish Choir, Ministers of the Word & Eucharist, our Sacristan, Collectors, Altar Servers and those who care for the Church and decorate the Altars and those who put in place the lovely Easter Garden.
Easter Offering
Collection for support of Priests of the Parish. The only collection in the Church on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday is for the support of our priests Fr. Billy & Fr. Kerry.