12th March 2017 – 2nd Sunday of Lent (A)

In Lent and Holy Week we remember the mystery of our redemption by the crucified Jesus, through which we reach the joy of the resurrection and live as redeemed people, giving a witness of love to the world of our time. But we have lots to do, lots to worry about; we are tired and we don’t trouble too much about God.  Cut off from him, we drift into the pattern of the world around us, excessive individualism, and at times we drift into sin. God always calls us back to him, back to peace.

God’s promise to Abram in our Old Testament reading marks the beginning of the salvation of fallen humanity. Abram had faith in the promise and became Abraham, our father in faith. The promise to him leads to the Old Testament covenants and ultimately to the “new and eternal covenant in the blood of Jesus,” which is renewed at every Mass.  Today’s gospel account of the transfiguration reveals Jesus as the one through whom God’s plan for our salvation is brought to fulfilment, and we are told: “listen to him.”

We pray that our response will be to live as Christians rather than as uncommitted, ambivalent people of two minds and no peace.  Abram listened to God and set out on a journey into the unknown.  May we also listen to Jesus the Word of God, and continue in faith on our Lenten journey.

Our Parish Mission for Lent will run from Monday 20th to Friday 24th March and will be given by a team from St Patrick’s Community. A Mission helps us to withdraw a little from our normal day-to-day worries and concerns, to reflect on the meaning and purpose of our lives and to take stock of where we are in life.

Mission Evenings Monday to Friday at 7.30 pm will include a closing Mass of the Holy Spirit on Friday.  Mission Masses at 10.00 am Monday to Friday, with an extra Mass at 7.30 am on Monday to Thursday. Team member John Pridmore, ex-gangster and international bestselling Author of ‘From Gangland to Promised Land,’ will be sharing his amazing story on Monday night.

We pray that our 2017 Lenten Mission will help us to reflect on the mystery of God’s love for us, and to experience his care for us as we are renewed by the redeeming love of Christ. We pray for an increase in our faithfulness to Our Lord’s gift of himself to us in the Mass and a deeper appreciation of our faith.

Mission Prayer
Heavenly Father,
We pray that our Parish Mission may be a time of grace and renewal for all.
We ask you to bless all the families in our Parish especially those who are experiencing difficulties.
Bless the old, the young, the poor, the sick, the unemployed and those in sorrow or despair.
Help us dear Lord to grow in faith and love of you.   Amen.

Deaths: We pray for Maurice Carey, Capwell Road,  Pat O’Mahony, O’Connell Crescent,  and Elizabeth O’Farrell, Evergreen Road who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday mornings in Lent after the 10.00 am Mass until 11.00 am.

Morning and Evening Prayer of the Church (Lauds and Vespers) after 10.00 am and 6.00 pm Masses on Fridays in Lent, but excluding St Patrick’s Day.

Mission Leaflets are being distributed in remaining areas, we are grateful to our Dues Collectors for their help.

St. Patrick’s Day: Vigil Mass on Thursday 16th March at 6.00 pm. Mass at 10.00 am and 12.00 noon on Friday 17th March. Note: no evening Mass on Friday.

“Do this in Memory” Meeting of Parents Representatives in Fr. Billy’s  House on Monday 13th March at 7.30pm

‘Gig na Gaelainne’ 25th of March in Cork City Hall, a selection of Irish language choirs performing along with special guests Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, Ger Wolfe and Seán Ó Sé. John Spillane MC. Tickets  €12 from ProMusica and eventbrite.ie <http://eventbrite.ie> .

Two evenings with Anne Francis & Fr. Christy Fitzgerald, exploring our Lenten journey through the Word of God.  Monday 20th & 27th March at 8.00 pm in Carrigaline Parish Centre (behind the Church).

Trócaire Family Fast Boxes are available at the back of the Church, and will also be distributed through the Schools. Last Lent through the Family Fast Boxes € 4,235 was raised for Trócaire from our Parish and from Bun Scoil Chriost Ri.

Young Adult Helpers in Lourdes – June 2017
Thank you to all who requested application forms to come as helpers on our Diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes 11 to 16 June 2017. The closing date for return of completed application forms is extended to Tuesday 14th March.  Enquiries to Fr Charlie Kiely  021 4537603