Ash Wednesday: Lent begins on Wednesday next 1st March, Ash Wednesday. Masses 10.00 am & 6.00 pm. Ashes will be blessed and distributed at the Masses. At the 10am Mass pupils from the schools in the Parish will be commissioned to bring the blessed ashes to their school where a ceremony will take place and they will impose ashes on the staff and fellow pupils. The 6.00 pm Mass will continue on weekdays of Lent except during the Mission.
Why not take a short term pledge and abstain from alcohol for the duration of Lent. You can join online : www.pioneerassociation <http://www.pioneerassociation> or contact (01) 8749464 or here in Cork contact 0863642619
Our PARISH MISSION for Lent will run from Monday 20th to Friday 24th March and will be given by a team from St Patrick’s Community. Mission Evenings Monday to Friday at 7.30 pm including closing Mass of the Holy Spirit on Friday. Mission Masses on Monday to Friday at 10.00 am, with an extra Mass at 7.30 am on Monday to Thursday. Team member John Pridmore, ex-gangster and international bestselling Author of the book ‘From Gangland to Promised Land,’ will be sharing his amazing story on Monday night.
Mission Prayer
Heavenly Father,
We pray that our Parish Mission may be a time of grace and renewal for all.
We ask you to bless all the families in our Parish especially those who are experiencing difficulties.
Bless the old, the young, the poor, the sick, the unemployed and those in sorrow or despair.
Help us dear Lord to grow in faith and love of you.
Mission Leaflets for distribution will be available in the Sacristy with the Spring Dues envelopes on Saturday and Sunday this weekend and help from our Dues Collectors would be greatly appreciated.
Spring Dues: We would appreciate if the Area Collectors could collect envelopes for their areas this weekend 25/26th February.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesday mornings in Lent after the 10.00 am Mass until 11.00 am.
Morning and Evening Prayer of the Church (Lauds and Vespers) after 10.00 am and 6.00 pm Masses on Fridays in Lent. Lasts about ten minutes, leaflets will be available for everybody.
First Friday: Fr. Billy hopes to complete his overdue visits to the sick and housebound during the coming week, your patience is appreciated.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Sr. Anthony Moloney, South Presentation Convent, who died recently. We extend our sympathy to her Community and Family.
Anointing of the Sick on Saturday 4th March after 10.00 am Mass. Consider offering a lift to a housebound.
Trócaire Family Fast Boxes are available at the back of the Church, and will also be distributed through the Schools. Last Lent through the Family Fast Boxes € 4,235 was raised for Trócaire from our Parish and from Bun Scoil Chriost Ri.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The January Church Gate collection amounted to €1,827. More than that amount has since been given in assistance in the parish. Without your help the Society could not function and we thank you for your generosity and continued support. We look forward to your help with the March collection next weekend.
The Gospel of Life. A four session programme to look at the what the Gospel says to us about a consistent ethic of life and the dignity of each person before God. Include: the care of creation, welcoming refugees and migrants, the sacredness of human life from conception to its natural end, and dignity of work and a home for each person. Programme will offered by Sr Karen at the Pastoral Development Office, Parochial House, Ballyphehane on Tuesdays 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th March. Coffee at 10:30am, session 10:50am to 12:15pm. To reserve a place please telephone 021 4537601. No cost to participate.
South Parish Historical Society Monthly Meeting on Wed. 1st March 2017 at 7:30 pm in St John’s College, Sawmill Street. Philip Johnston will speak on Discovering UC42, The German U-Bot in Cork Harbour. Non-members €2. All Welcome.
TABLE QUIZ In aid of Pieta House on Friday, 10th March at 8.30 pm in The Market Tavern, Anglesea Street. €20 per table of 4. Music and free finger food. Fantastic Raffle on the night. ALL WELCOME
Coffee morning on Tuesday (Shrove Tuesday) after 10.00 am Mass in the Parish Centre. Rumours of pancakes, all Welcome.