5th February 2017 -5th Sunday Ordinary Time (A)

Salt of the Earth, Light of the World
Jesus wants his followers to make a difference to the world around them, to be salt of the earth, and to remain salty, to be the light of the world, and to remain shining.  Salt in the ancient world was used extensively as a preservative to keep meat and fish healthy, from going bad, as well for flavour.  As followers of Jesus we are asked to keep society healthy, to be concerned about social justice, freedom from discrimination and concerned about the casualties of society, those who are oppressed or are in want. We are called to have standards based on something higher than self-interest.

If we are really the salt of the earth our Christianity will not be confined within little religious salt cellars. Jesus refers to our good works as a light to the world: loving our neighbour as ourselves, showing kindness and patience and helping those on the margins of society.  In response to Jesus’ words from the Sermon on the Mount in the gospel for this Sunday, we pray that if our saltiness has become insipid, that the Lord will renew us, if our light is a bit dim that the Lord will brighten us.  May we be a source happiness and joy, a source of flavour and light for our anxious and sometimes tasteless and dull world.

Deaths: We remember in our prayers Margaret Walker late of Westview, and Fr. John Cotter, Retired Parish Priest of St. Patrick’s Parish, who died recently. We extend our sympathy their families

From Apocalypse to the first Arabic invasion of Syria – a talk by Fr. Fergus Ryan, OP on the exotic origins of the sung Ordinary of the Mass. Saint Mary’s Church, Pope’s Quay on Saturday 18th February at 2.00pm and Monday 20th February at 12.00 noon. Talk and singing last one hour. Free admittance – donations accepted.

Lourdes 2017 – Young Adult Helpers. The Diocese of Cork and Ross invites Young Adults 18-30 year olds to come to Lourdes as helpers from 11th to 16th June.  As helpers you will assist with the sick and be involved in the full pilgrimage programme as well as time for prayer, for making new friends and sharing in the story of Lourdes.  Limited number of places.  Closing date for applicants is 28th February 2017. For further details contact Fr. Charlie Kiely 021-4537603, Pastoral Development Office, Parochial House, Ballyphehane, Cork or email: charliekiely@gmail.com

Lourdes Invalid Fund Collection at all Masses next weekend 11th/12th February

 Vocations to Priesthood Weekend
An invitation is extended to men between 18 and 40 who are interested in the Diocesan priesthood as a way of life, to join with others for a weekend from 6.00 pm on Friday 17th February to 3.00 pm on Saturday 18th in Thurles.  There is no charge to attend the weekend – please contact Fr Charlie Kiely on 021 4537603 or at  charliekiely@gmail.com for further details.

World Day of Prayer for the Sick on Saturday next 11th February, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes reminds us to pray for all those sick at home or in hospital or other places of care.  Bishop Buckley in a letter for the Day of Prayer reminds us of the words of St John Paul: “We should never push the sick or the old to the margins of society but acknowledge with thanks the debt we owe them.  We imagine that we are giving to them, we end up realising that they have enriched us.”                         Anointing of the Sick: This month Anointing of the Sick will take place on Saturday 11th February, World Day of Prayer for the Sick, after the 10.00 am Mass. The Parish Assembly invite you to a cup of tea or coffee and a chat in the Parish Centre after the Anointing Ceremony.

Ennismore Retreat Centre are holding a 4-week Series “Lord Teach us to Pray” (Luke 11:1) on Tuesdays 7th,14th, 21st and 28th February, at 7.30pm – 9.30pm. call 021 450 2520 or e-mail: ennismore@eircom.net.

“Do this in Memory” Mass next Sunday 12th February at 10.00 am.  Meeting of parent class representatives on this Monday 6th February at 7.30pm in Fr. Billy’s house.

Parish Assembly
Please consider whether you would like to serve for a three-year term on our Parish Pastoral Assembly. The present Assembly has completed its term and you are invited to nominate yourself and/or others to participate in the new Assembly for the 2017/2020 session. Each Parishioner is invited to nominate up to three Parishioners aged 18 and over to become a member.  Nominators should be over 18.  If you would like to offer your time and talents to the Assembly, feel free to nominate yourself.
Members of the present Assembly will hand out nomination papers at Masses this weekend and next weekend. Completed Nomination Papers may be placed in the nomination boxes in the church before or after Mass.  Nominations may also be submitted by post to arrive not later than the closing date, 17th February. Those nominated will be invited to become members of our fourth Parish Assembly.  Sr. Karen Kent of the Pastoral Development Office will speak about the mission and functioning of our Parish Assembly at Masses this weekend.
The Assembly is about the pastoral, spiritual and faith life of the members of our parish.  It will address the identified needs of the parish and support all age groups in their faith journey.  Together the members seek to create a vibrant faith community in tune with the gospel message. It is not about finance, buildings, maintenance or fundraising as these issues are dealt with by the Parish Finance Committee.