4th December 2016 – 2nd Sunday Advent

The Jesse Tree Symbols for the Second Sunday of Advent
The fourth symbol is an ornament depicting the tablets on which the ten commandments were written.
The fifth symbol is a trumpet, reminding us of the rams’ horn trumpets blown before the walls of Jericho when Joshua led the children of Israel to victory.
The sixth symbol is a shepherd’s crook reminding us of avid, the Shepherd King, and of Jesus, the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep.

images-1Feast of the Immaculate Conception on Thursday next 8th  December is a Holy Day of obligation.  Vigil Mass on Wednesday at 6.00 pm, Masses on Thursday at 10.00 am and 6.00 pm.

Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament: after 10.00 am Mass to 11.00 am on Wednesdays of Advent.

Morning Prayer on Fridays of Advent:  Morning Prayer of the Church (Lauds) after 10.00 am Mass on each Friday of Advent.

Trocaire-Final2Christmas gifts with a difference. Trocaire Gifts will be available at the back of the Church from members of the Parish Assembly during the Sundays of December.   You can buy a gift and get the card to send or give to a friend.

Parish Christmas & Triduum Cards  will be available in the Parish Office after Masses from this weekend   The Triduum of Masses will be offered on 23, 24, 25 December.

Christ King Girls Secondary School is presenting A Christmas Celebration in aid of Marymount Hospice, Monday 5th December in the School Main Hall, at 7.30 p.m.. Tickets €10 Available daily at School Reception

Christmas In The Cathedral: Liam Lawton in concert Thursday 8th December at 8.00 pm.  Tickets €20 from Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett Street, Nolan Butchers, Shandon Street, Cathedral Presbytery 021 4304325, Cathedral Sacristy 021 4210717.

Giving Sunday: Next  Sunday 11th December is Giving Sunday – when Santa will help our local St. Vincent de Paul Society.  Our Santa’s Giving Tree is in place. This year instead of toys, we request non-perishable foods to help struggling families.  Any of the following items: tea, coffee, sugar, Tayto, chocolates, selection boxes, biscuits, soup, may be placed at the Tree in the Church (no toys).

Society of St. Vincent de Paul: The November Church Gate collection amounted to €1,510.  The Christmas collection will take place on the weekend of 10th & 11th December to coincide with the Society’s National Christmas appeal.  Your support will make a huge difference in helping local families in need this Christmas.  The Christmas Collection will allow the Society to assist local families in need with necessities such as food, fuel, clothing and toys.  Please be generous in supporting those who need a helping hand this Christmas. Thank you again for your generosity.  Best wishes for a very happy and healthy Christmas

Do this in Memory: meeting with the parent class representatives in Fr. Billy’s house on this Monday 5th Dec at 7.30pm. Next mass on Sunday 11th December, at 10.00 am.

Christmas Market in Presentation Secondary School, Ballyphehane on Sunday 4th December from 2pm to 6pm.  €2 per adult and no charge for children. Local crafts, confectionery, Santa, a lucky dip and much more.  All welcome,

Anam Cara, the organisation that supports bereaved parents, is holding its next monthly Parent Evening on Wednesday 7th  December 19:30 to 21:00 in Brú Columbanus, Cardinal Way, Wilton, Cork. This event is open to all bereaved parents regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances of their death, or whether the death was recent or not.

A NET Ministry Team will speak at our Masses this weekend. They are a group of 5 young adults volunteering for 9 months in Cork City with NET (National Evangelisation Teams), working to “encourage young people to embrace the life of the Church and love Jesus.”  They are working with the help of the Dominicans and the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in Cork, in primary and secondary schools, helping run retreats and religion classes, and also run youth groups and have young adult hangouts, prayer and fellowship!  They will be organising “Nightfever” on December 10th at St Augustine’s with mass starting at 8.00 pm when they go out to the streets and invite people into the church to light a candle, and pray. Their Youth Group will be starting again on January 5th at St Columba’s Pastoral Centre, Douglas, on Thursday nights from 7:00-8:30pm (ages 11-15). Anyone interested in Youth Events or Young Adult Groups can contact them at: corknetteam@gmail.com or on Facebook pages: Cork City NET Team (young adults) and Access Hub Cork (youth).

Infant Jesus Sunday: families are invited to bring their crib figure of the Infant Jesus to Mass next Sunday (Gaudete Sunday) for blessing.   After the  blessing you are asked to take your figure home and gift wrap it so that on 25th December it is the first gift the family open for Christmas, then place it in your family crib.

Cork Youth Orchestra Magical Christmas Matinees
(Presenting “The Snowman,” Seo Linn performing) at the City Hall, Saturday 10th December.  Matinees at 12 noon & 2pm. Tickets from €10.

Santa Claus arriving at Turners Cross Community Centre, Curragh Road (next to the Credit Union Office) on Saturday the 10th of December 2016.  Doors open at 11:30 am, all welcome. Refreshments, and fun assured.