20th November 2016 – Feast of Christ The King


   Feast of Christ The  KIng

Advent Mini Retreat: There will be an Evening of Prayer & Reflection in the Chapel of st. Finbarr’s Hospital on Wed.30th Nov. at 7.30pm. for Parishioners and all who serve and help in our Parish. Fr. Mick Carroll retired Pastor of St Theresa of Avila Parish, Auburm, California and now living in Turner’s Cross, will guide us through the evening.

Deaths: We remember in our prayers Ann Walsh, St. Anns Pk.  Aoife Kiely, Greenhills Court and  Jeremiah (Sonny) Leonard, Loreto Park who died recently.  We extend our sympathy to their families.

East Cork Choral Society, Handel’s Messiah  in aid of Marymount Hospice at the Church Of The Real Presence, Curraheen,  on Sunday November 27th@8pm. Tickets from Pro Musica, Marymount Shop and at the door on the night.

Garda Mass: The Annual Mass for Deceased Staff Tuesday 22nd November 2016 at SMA Church, Wilton, at 7.30pm.

Christmas Wellness and Craft Fair in Aid of Cork Penny Dinners: Gresham Metropole Hotel on Sunday the 20th of November 12 till 6pm. Different kinds of treatments, stalls with Jewellery, Natural Hand creams, Nail art, hair styling and Beauty Products, Music and much more.  Admission €5.

Advent Prayers of the Faithful: Would secondary school students who would like to help with the prayers of the faithful at Sunday Masses in Advent please give their names to Fr Billy or call Sharon on 087 7940507. Many thanks.

Ministries: We are appealing for volunteers for Ministries in the Parish, as Ministers of the Word (readers), Ministers of the Eucharis, members of the Baptismal Team, Church Carers Team or of the Church Choir. You can nominate a person or volunteer your own service. Collect a form in Sacristy or have a word with one of the priests.

Diocesan Quarterly Collection: will be taken us at all Masses this weekend. 19th/20th November.   This collection supports the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives. The central fund is currently operating at a deficit of approximately € 300,000.

Christmas In The Cathedral: Liam Lawton in concert Thursday 8th December at 8.00 pm.  Tickets € 20 from Pro Musica, Oliver Plunkett Street, Nolan Butchers, Shandon Street, Cathedral Presbytery 021 4304325, Cathedral Sacristy 021 4210717.

Christmas Market in Presentation Secondary School, Ballyphehane on Sunday 4th December from 2pm to 6pm.  A great family day out and all welcome. € 2 per adult and no charge for children. Local crafts, confectionery, Santa, a lucky dip and much more.

Turners Cross Senior Citizen’s Party will be held in Nemo Rangers H&F Club on Sunday, December 4th at 3.00pm.
Please hand in names before Tuesday, November 29th

 Christmas gifts with a difference. Trocaire Gifts will be available at the back of the Church from members of the Parish Assembly during the Sundays of December.   You can buy a gift and get the card to send or give to a friend.


kath-and-qumen-aLearning about the Mass with Kath and Qumen


At every Mass you will notice that some people have different jobs. We call these jobs ‘ministries’. Let’s look at some of them:

THE PRIEST: At Mass the priest leads us and encourages us to play our part in the celebration. How does he do this? He:

•          Leads us in prayer

•          Invites us to listen to God’s word

•          Helps us to understand the Word of God in our daily lives through his homily

•          Takes our gifts, the bread and wine, offers them to God and prays that by the power of the Holy Spirit they will become the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

THE SERVERS: Servers are normally boys and girls who have received their First Communion. Their job is to help the priest.

 MINISTER OF THE WORD: We sometimes call this person the reader, the proper name is ‘Minister of the Word’. The readings come from the Bible. They are the Word of God and we hear God speaking to us through the voice of the Minister of the Word.