2nd October 2016 – 27th Sunday Ordinary Time

increase our Faith
The apostles said to the Lord, increase our faith. We too are conscious that our faith is small, is weak and fragile. Jesus assures us that even a small faith small but sincere, to do things that seem impossible. Pope Francis recalls “many missionaries, men and women, who have overcome all sorts of obstacles to spread the Gospel. They have truly given their life”, but equally, “each one of us, in his or her everyday life, can bear witness to Christ, with the power of God, the power of faith, the small faith that we have, which is nonetheless strong”. We obtain this strength “from God in prayer. Prayer is the breath of faith: in a relationship of trust, in a relationship of love, dialogue cannot be lacking, and prayer is a dialogue of the soul with God”.

Mission Month of October: Mission Sunday falls on October 23rd and World Missions Ireland’s theme for this year is ‘Every Christian is a Missionary.’ We are called in baptism to bring Christ to others, the gift we have been given, we are asked to give, as our Irish missionaries continue to bring the joy of the Gospel to people throughout the world. For further information on World Missions Ireland or to make a donation please visit www.wmi.ie <http://www.wmi.ie> .

World Homeless Day 10th October: To mark this day we will facilitate a clothes collection in the Parish Centre before and after all Masses on this weekend and next weekend, for either Cork Simon or SVP – you will choose which one you want to support.

Training for Parish Catechists – Certificate in Catechesis. Two information sessions at the Blackrock Parish Centre on Wednesday 12th October 2:30 to 4:00pm and 7:30 to 9:00 pm, dealing with the course and the ministry. Contact Sr Karen at the Pastoral Development Office  021 4537601.

South Parish Historical Society monthly meeting on Wednesday 5th October, 2016 at 7.30pm in St. John’s College, Sawmill Street. Guest speaker Antoin O’Callaghan will speak on “The Churches of Cork City – All welcome, Non-members €2

Aging Well Group for over 65’s.Find out more about physical and mental health, sleep habits, routines and interests, ways to overcome loneliness and safety in home and community. Meeting on Tuesdays starting 11th October for 8 weeks from 11am – 12.30pm at Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane. Free of Charge. Contact: Olivia 086-7871746  to book a place.

Ministers of the Word may collect copies of the Rota for October to November from the sacristy.

South Central Community Safety Meeting Wed. 5th  October at 7.30 p.m. in South Parish Community Centre, Sawmill Street.

‘Unlock the Word’ a 6 week opportunity for young adults to unlock the treasure of scripture. Starting Tuesday 4th Oct 7.30pm in Casa Maria – opposite the Bon Secours Hospital, College Road. Further details: Anne-Marie Whelan, Evangelisation & Vocations Officer 0872209994 or www.bonsecourssisters.ie <http://www.bonsecourssisters.ie> .

An Invitation to Remember … Pregnancy or Infant loss.
Cork University Maternity Hospital Service of Remembrance on Friday 7th Oct. at 7.30pm in Sacred Heart Church, Western Road. All who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss welcome.

The Parish Assembly: meeting this Monday 3rd October in the Parish Centre at 8.00 pm, note date.

Pilgrimage: Fr Billy will be on pilgrimage to the Holy Land from Thursday October 6th to Friday October 14th

First Friday: As we now have only one priest on full time duty in the parish, calls are more difficult to complete.  Fr. Billy was unable to complete the September calls. He will visit as many as possible in the coming week before his departure to the Holy Land on Thursday, and will complete the remaining calls on his return.

Bunscoil Chríost Rí.  Annual Walk on Saturday 8th October from 9.00 am to 11.00 am.