17th July 2016 – 16th Sunday Ordinary Time (C)

mary_martha_colorpg_2Martha & Mary
The message of Christ to Martha regarding the “better portion,” which was chosen by Mary,  “the good part,” is addressed to us as well. It is about loving first with all our heart, afterwards with actions.     Of course that is the ideal.
The Indian poet Tagore writes – ‘and when you left I saw God’s footprints on the floor.’
Our fear of break-ins and of robbery today is destroying an easy accessibility in our neighborhoods. Casual hospitality is more difficult than in the days of the half-door. Maybe Facebook and Twitter and other social media fulfill some of this function, impersonal though it may be.                                                   We cannot live in isolation. ‘Self knows that self is not enough‘ writes the poet, Brendan Kennelly.                                                                                                                           For friendship and love, especially when I find it in unexpected places and people, thank you, Lord.

Cork World Youth Day Vigil & Mass – 30th July
The Pastoral Development Office regrets to announce that this event will not be going ahead due to insufficient numbers registered.

Death: We remember in out prayers Michael O’Flynn, O’Connell Ave. who died recently. We extend our sympathy to his family.

Date for your Diary:  Annual Devotions at Holy Rosary Shrine, Lee Road.  Monday 15th August. Chief Celebrant Bishop John Buckley. Homilist Fr.Damien O’Mahoney./  Join in reciting the Rosary at 6.30pm at Our Lady’s Hospital gate and follow the fifteen Mysteries until Mass begins at the shrine,Lee Rd. at 7.30pm

Diocesan Quarterly Collection: will be taken us at all Masses this weekend. 16th/17th July.  This collection financially supports the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives.