22nd May 2016 – Trinity Sunday (C)

100672-bigthumbnailHoly Trinity Sunday
The gospel for today tells us that the Spirit of truth will lead us to the complete truth about God. Happily for us the gospel does not say when we will come to the complete truth. Perhaps this is because the evangelist knows full well that the God revealed by Jesus is not just a mystery to be solved. Every generation of Christians must make the effort to see where and how the God who creates, saves and sanctifies is speaking to us.
At the beginning of the third millenium it may well be that She is screaming at us through a hole in the ozone layer and in the voices of the hungry and oppressed who suffer so terribly in God’s beautiful world.

“Do this in Memory”  Programme 2015–16 concludes next Sunday 29th May  at the 10am Mass.  After Mass there will be a short Eucharistic Procession in the Grounds of the Church with the First Holy Communion Children from Bunscoil Chríost Rí. Congratulations to all the children and their families who have participated in the programme during the year and thanks to their teachers for being so helpful. Special thanks to the parents’ representatives who helped to organize the Mass each month.  A meeting of the Parents’ Representatives on this Monday 23rd May in  Fr. Kerry’s house at 7.30pm

Monstrance Exposition or the Most Blessed Saceament As we prepare for The Feast of Corpus Christi  there will be Exposition next Saturday 28th May  from 2.30 pm until the 6.00 pm Vigil Mass. It is hoped to have people in the Church throughout the afternoon ~ a TIME SHEET is at the back of the church.

jesus-stained-glass-10124096-225x300Novena to The Sacred Heart:  begins Thursday 26th May until the Feast of the Sacred Heart on Friday 3rd June.  Novena Prayers each morning at the 10am Mass or families may wish pray the novena at home.   Novena Prayers – green leaflet – available at the back of the Church.

Jubilee of Mercy Pilgrim Walk.   Our thanks and congratulations to those who participated, a very good turnout in spite of the weather– a moment of grace for them and for all the parish.

Thank You:   The  Parish Assembly sincerely thank all who baked and bought cakes at the Cake Sale last week end. A total of  €1,838 was raised for “The Penny Dinners” and we prayed there during our Year of Mercy Pilgrim Walk on Friday. Well done to all and thanks again for your generosity.

Next weekend 28th/29th of May a special collection will be taken up in all churches towards the cost of hosting this event in Ireland at the invitation of Pope Francis.  In 1994 Saint John Paul II called the first World Meeting of Families inviting families from across the globe to share faith, as well as share the challenges and celebrate the blessings of family life in society today. The Holy Father has attended every World Meeting of Families wherever it has been held and the Irish Bishops have invited Pope Francis to come to Ireland for this celebration.

Deaths: We pray for Leonard Corcoran, Greenmount, who died recently. We extend our sympathy to his family.

Down Syndrome :  It is that time of year again, Ice Cream will be available  outside the Parish Centre after  the 10.00 am & 12 noon Masses on Sunday next 29th May 2016, all the proceeds will go Down Syndrome Ireland. Our thanks to the Parish Assembly who have arranged the event.    Your support will be appreciated.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe Eucharistic Procession will take place in our City on next Sunday, 29th May.   The procession is now in its 91st year. Three years ago Archbishop Brown preaching at the procession in Cork commented that we worship Jesus in our churches for fifty one Sundays of the year. On the feast of Corpus Christi we worship Him publicly in our streets.  This year Archbishop Michael Neary of Tuam will preach the homily.  Our Parish group will depart from outside the Church next Sunday at 3.00 pm sharp.

Ministers of the Eucharist:  Can collect their Rota for the coming weeks in the Sacristy

Jubilee Year of Mercy Liturgy in Our Lady Crowned Parish Church Mayfield  25th May from 7:30 to 9:00pm.  A Liturgy of the Word with scripture, music and reflection led by David Lane (in his third year of preparation for the Permanent Diaconate in Cork and Ross) and Paul Montgomery (a Chaplain in Causeway Comprehensive School).  Voluntary contributions to support victims of the civil war in Syria.

South Central Community Safety Forum Wednesday 25 May 2016 At 7.30 pm.Deerpark School, St. Patrick’s Road. An  opportunity to raise community safety issues in your area. Contact Ursula Ramsell, Staff Officer, Community & Enterprise Section, Cork City Council, City Hall, Tel: (021) 4924703  (Direct Line) Email:   ursula_ramsell@corkcity.ie

Notre Dame University Folk Choir Concert/Workshop on Thursday 26th May at the Honan Chapel, UCC from 12:30pm to 2:00pm.  Participants will receive a music book, donation requested. To book contact Pastoral Development Office   021 4537601   or by email   karen.kent@corkandross.org