Be ready. Today’s Gospel invites us to let go of all foolish attempts at predicting the time or date of the Second Coming of Jesus. He says that not even he as a human being knows, only the Father alone knows. A bit like the recent speculation in Ireland about the date of the next election. Only the Taoiseach knows that! These pictorial words today of Jesus’ Second Coming give us neither a map of eternity or a timetable for the future. But the one thing we must retain is that Jesus did foretell that he would come again. As we wait for Jesus to come again, may we work to build not so much stone temples but communities of love, of service, of sharing, of forgiveness. Then it won’t really matter when Jesus comes again. He will find us ready since we are doing his work. May the Lord give us the Holy Spirit to help us to focus on priorities and build a better world for our children and grandchildren, not forgetting the environment.
Deaths : We remember in our prayers Eithne Crowley, Willow Court, Tom Healy, St Anne’s Park and Br. Paddy Cripps who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.
“Do this in Memory” There will be a meeting of the Parent Representatives in Fr. Kerry’s House on this Monday 16th Nov at 7.30pm Our next Mass will be Sunday 22nd Nov.@ 10.00 am, the Feast of Christ the King.
Diocesan Quarterly Collection: will be taken us at all Masses this weekend. 14th/15th November. This collection supports the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives. The central fund of the diocese is currently operating at an annual deficit of approximately € 300,000.
What is God Calling me to in Life? Married life, single life, or religious? What is your path? “Come & See.” You are invited to an Informal Discussion on God’s call for women and men, Thursday 19th November 2015 at 7.30pm in the Crypt, Dennehy’s Cross Church, Cork. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” Jer 1:5a
What is God Calling me to in Life? Married life, single life, or religious? What is your path? “Come & See.” You are invited to an Informal Discussion on God’s call for women and men, Thursday 19th November 2015 at 7.30pm in the Crypt, Dennehy’s Cross Church, Cork. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” Jer 1:5a
Cork Samaritans. There are 21 branches of Samaritans in Ireland. Cork being the second biggest, is one of the busiest. It takes 15 volunteers per day to keep our centre open. We are available 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. We always need more volunteers. Contact or 7/8 Coach St. Cork. To ensure we can continue we need more volunteers.
Alpha The Alpha Course explores the Christian faith in a “non-Churchy” and adult way. Our third Turner’s Cross Parish Alpha begins on Wednesday 20th January, and will provide an opportunity to explore the faith in a friendly environment. If you would like to be part of the team helping to run the course please give your name to one of the priests, team training starts in December.
Songs of Faith Concert 2015: Come and hear our young people from across the diocese sing their songs of faith on Sunday 22nd Nov. at 7.00 pm at Our Lady Crowned Church, Mayfield accompanied by musicians from the Diocese and from the Dublin Gospel Choir under the musical direction of Ian Callanan. No tickets – all are welcome – donation only. Come and support our young people who have committed and worked hard in this project – it promises to be an inspiring and uplifting concert of liturgical music.
Concert at Colaiste Chriost Rí: “Christmas with Cara,” 4th December at 8.00 pm. Cara O’Sullivan accompanied by Eleanor Malone, with Choir of Bunscoil Chriost Rí and Church of St James Choir, Ballinora. Admission € 20.
Cork Institute of Technology are hosting their annual Open Day on Friday 20th Nov. from 10am – 4pm on the Bishopstown Campus.
Munster Club Football Semi Final: Nemo v Legion this Sunday 15th November at Pairc Ui Rinn @ 2.00 pm.