1st Nov. 2015 – Feast of all Saints

all-saints-dayWHAT IS A SAINT?  Far too often we think of saints as those people who are really good and we are not among them.  We forget that we are all called to be saints and to live our lives completely for God.  Today’s readings remind us how to live in our daily lives in a way which keeps us focused on serving God.

Holy Souls. Novena of Masses for the Holy Souls from Mon 2nd Nov. to Tues. 10th Nov, Masses each day at 10.00 am & 6.00 pm. Novena envelopes available at the exit doors can be placed in the box at the altar rails.

First Friday;   Fr. Kerry and Fr, Billy will visit the Sick and the housebound on this coming Thursday & Friday at the usual times.

The Sacrament of Anointing:  will be administered on Sat. 7th  Nov at the 10am Mass

purgatoryRemembrance Weekend  7th & 8th  November. All Masses 6pm vigil, 10am & 12noon will be offered for our Dead remembering especially those who have died since November 2014.  Lights available at back of Church to light and place at the altar rail in their memory.    Those who lost loved ones during  the past year will be remembered in a special way at all our Masses.  Remembrance Weekend is an opportunity to give thanks for the wonderful gift of family, kind neighbours and friendship.   All of us are shaped and influenced by what has happened in the past and during November we pray for those who have died and acknowledge their influence in our own lives.

A Plenary Indulgence for the souls of the departed may be gained by visiting a church or oratory and there reciting one Our Father and the Apostles’ Creed between noon on November 1st and midnight on All Souls’ day (November 2nd), by all who confess their sins during the weeks before of after All Souls’ Day, receive Holy Communion  between the 1st and 8th November and pray for the Pope’s intentions.  The faithful who visit a cemetery and pray for the dead may gain also gain a plenary indulgence once per day from Nov 1st to 8th.  The conditions mentioned above apply also for this.

000000-00000000000Safeguarding Children Policy: The Parish recognises and upholds the rights of all children and is committed to ensuring their safety and well being at all times. A copy of the policy is posted on the Parish Assembly notice board.  Our Parish  Safeguarding Children Officers are Deirdre Healy  and Rose Fitzgerald they can be contacted about any Child Safeguarding issues/ concerns on the parish mobile 087 2610276.

Coffee Morning:  This Wed. 4th Nov. after the 10am Mass in the Parish Centre. All welcome

County Senior Football Champions: Congratulations to Nemo on the great win last Sunday.  Well done to the team, to Stephen O’Brien and his selectors and Conor Horgan,  our man of the match.

South Parish  Historical Society   Monthly Meeting on Wed. 4th Nov.  7:30pm in  St John’s College Sawmill Street, Speaker  John Mulcahy  The Siege of Cork  Non-members €2  All Welcome

Marriage Encounter Weekend, in the Lake Hotel Killarney from the 13th to 15th Nov.  Contact  Frank  & Fiona Hickey   027  61003


1st Nov. St. Finbarrs, Glasheen Rd   2.30pm
Rathcooney   3pm

7th Nov. St. Oliver’s Model Farm Rd. Mass at 2pm

8th Nov.   St. Joseph’s  Tory Top Rd.  2.30pm
St James Chetwynd 3pm
Douglas  3pm
St.Catherines Kikcully   3pm
St.Michael’s Blackrock. 3pm

Don’t forget to pray at the Graves at the back of the Church