Mission Sunday On Mission Sunday we are asked to give spiritual and material support to churches in mission countries. The annual collection for the Missions will be taken up at all Masses this weekend and your support will be appreciated. In its preferential option for the poor the Church works among the poorest people and often in dangerous circumstances. The Irish missionary tradition continues today over 1,500 Irish missionaries helping young churches in many parts of the third world. They continue to spread the Gospel through their work, their deep commitment to the people they serve and their Faith. They helped to change, for the better, millions of lives all over the globe. Pope Francis reminds us that “every baptised person is called to bear witness to the Lord Jesus by proclaiming the faith received as a gift.” We thank God for the life-giving gift of our faith and seek to share that gift with a world that needs it so badly, both at home and abroad.
Parish Mission:
Our Parish Mission runs from this Saturday 17th to Wednesday 21st October with Fr. Mike Burgess, OFM Cap, of Holy Trinity Friary, Cork.
Fr. Mike will preach at weekend Masses, 6.00 pm Saturday and 10.00 am & 12.00 noon Sunday. He will also preach at the 10.00 am Mass on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
The evening sessions will be at 7.30 pm from Sunday to Wednesday and each will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: Themes are:
Sunday: Jesus, the Face of God’s (or the Father’s) Mercy
Monday: Mary, the Mother of Mercy
Tuesday: Celebrating Mercy – Second rite of Reconciliation (Penitential Service)
Wednesday: Being a Community of Mercy.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Lil Collins, Capwell Avenue, Jerry O’Leary, Capwell Avenue and Breda O’Reilly, Greenhills Estate, who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.
Remembrance Weekend 7th & 8th November: All Masses that weekend will be offered for our Dead. Prayers and blessing of the Graves in St. Joseph’s Cemetery Tory Top Rd. on Sunday 8th November at 2.30 pm.
Holy Souls Novena of Masses: Monday 2nd to Tuesday 10th November with an extra Mass at 6.00 pm on weekdays. Envelopes for those who wish to have their dead remembered at the Novena are available at the Exit doors and may be placed in the box at the altar rails.
Mass of Thanksgiving for the Presentation Sisters. Sincere thanks to all who helped to prepare the liturgy, to those who participated in the Mass and to the volunteers who worked so hard in preparing the hall, serving the food and in cleaning up the hall on Sunday morning. Many thanks also to those who handed in so many Cakes, biscuits, goodies etc. into the Parish Centre. A wonderful event, thanks to our generous helpers.
“Do this in Memory” First Holy Communion Class parents’ representatives will meet in Fr. Kerry’s house on this Monday 19th October at 7.00 pm. Note change in time of meeting because of Mission.
Autumn Dues. Sincere thanks to the Area Collectors who have collected the envelopes for the Autumn Dues.
Ministers of the Word & Eucharist can collect their Rotas in the Sacristy.
County Senior Football Final: Sunday 18th October Nemo v Castlehaven in Pairc Ui Rinn @ 5.00 pm The best of luck to NEMO.
The the parents of St. Therese de Lisieux, (The Little Flower), Louis and Zelie Martin will be canonised by Pope Francis this Sunday Morning
SONGS OF FAITH CONCERT 2015: Our first workshop is on Sunday 18th October from 2:30 to 5:30pm at Our Lady Crowned Church, Mayfield. If you would like to join one of our choirs or our band for this event contact Sr Karen 087 9161792. Choir for teens 13-17, choir for young adults 18-35 and band for 13-35 who love to play music. Further workshops 8th & 22nd November followed by concert.
Focus Ireland needs volunteers for the annual bucket collection on Saturday 7th November in Cork City. There are over 5,000 people homeless in Ireland today and more than a quarter of these are children. In 2014 alone Focus Ireland supported over 11,000 people in 2014 and it provides warm meals, practical support and education along with secure housing in over 70 projects across Ireland. Contact Margaret on 086 6042854 or colemanm@focusireland.ie.