“Do this in Memory ” We welcome the children of 2nd class in Bun Scoil Christ Ri
and their parents to the opening Mass in our “Do this in Memory” programme. They will be enrolled as candidates for the Sacraments of First Penance & Eucharist at the 10am Mass this Sunday. We pray Gods blessing on the children, their parents & teachers.
Altar Servers: New Altar Servers are being recruited. If you do not attend Bun Scoil Christ Ri and in third class up and would like to be a server collect your application form in the Sacristy
The annual collection for the Education of Students to Priesthood & Diaconate takes place this weekend 26th/27th. Sept. The Diocese has four seminarians in Maynooth and Rome and three men are preparing for the Permanent Diaconate in the Diocese. The overall cost in the coming year will reach approx. €100,000, and this collection is the principal source of funding. Your support is very much appreciated.
Mass in Colaiste Chriost Ri. for First year Students and their Parents Thurs. 1st Oct: at 1.45 pm
Annual Pilgrimage to Gougane Barra this Sun. 27th Sept. Rosary: 2.00pm
Mass: 2.30pm Homily: Mons Aidan O’Driscoll PP, Clonakilty
The Library will be open next week end 3rd/4th Oct.
Irish Catholic: price increase of 30c to €1.80 from 1st Oct.
Ministers of the Word can collect their Rotas for Oct. & Nov. in the Sacristy
Lourdes: Fr. Kerry travels to Lourdes with the Diocesan Pilgrimage this coming Friday 2nd until Sunday 4th Oct. If you have intentions you would like to have placed at the Grotto place them in the Box (no money) at the altar rail before Thursday 1st Oct. He will be celebrating Mass at the Grotto at 7.30am on Sunday for all your intentions.
Mass in Colaiste Chriost Ri. for First year Students and their Parents Thurs. 1st Oct: at 1.45 pm
17th – 21th October Parish Mission: with Fr. Mick Burgess OFMCap.
Autumn Dues: We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for the Autumn Dues a leaflet with details of our Parish Mission next weekend 3rd – 4th Oct. Many thanks,
First Friday; This coming week Fr. Kerry – because of traveling to Lourdes – will visit the sick & housebound on Wednesday & Thursday. Fr. Billy on Thursday & Friday
Irish Catholic: price increase of 30c to €1.80 from 1st Oct.
The Sacrament of Anointing: will take place on Sat. 3rd Oct.at the 10am Mass
Dates to note:
17th-21st October Parish Mission with Fr. Mike. Burges OFM Cap.
7th-8th November Remembrance Weekend
19nd April 2016 Parish Confirmations
14th May 2016 First Holy Communions
The Sun Flowers seeds planted by by the First Holy Communion Children last May near the back gate are now blooming (see photo on www.turnerscross.com) They are a symbol of our hope for vocations to the priesthood and the religious life in our community. We will gather the seeds and distribute them for planting next year.
Saint Vincent de Paul: This Sunday is his feast day. He was dedicated to serving the poor. He founded the congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) and The Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul. The most flourishing lay Catholic charitable group is also named after him. We thank God for the members of The St. Vincent de Paul Society in our Parish and their work amongst us.
Songs of Faith 2015: A Project for Young People
A music project of one band, two choirs, three workshops, and sixteen liturgical songs – culminating in one concert. An opportunity for teenagers (13-18) and young adults (18-35) who love to sing and play and music – we are seeking singers and musicians to join us in singing our Songs of Faith 2015. An opportunity to work with professional composers, musicians and conductor. Workshops on Sun 18th Oct, Sun. 8th Nov. 2:30pm to 5:30pm followed by third workshop and concert on Sun. 22nd Nov. – all at Our Lady Crowned Church in Mayfield. Enrolment forms for under 18’s from Sr Karen, if you are 18-35 and want to get involved in singing (choir and/or soloist) or join the band contact Sr Karen to put in your name phone Pastoral Development Office 021 4537601.