Jesus’ message today is very simple and clear, though not always easy: Does my religious practices and lifestyle lead me to a greater concern for my family and neighbors? Do it lead me to forgive my enemies, help me to be non-judgmental etc. Does it, above all, help me to come to a deeper awareness that God is a loving Father and will give us the gifts we need to help us to be happy, free and at peace.
S .F. C. Replay this Sat. 29th August. Nemo v Douglas, Pairc Ui Rinn @ 7.45 pm
Parents of First Holy Communion Children: A meeting in Christ King Church on Wed. 9th Sept at 7.30pm. for parents of the second class pupils of Bunscoil Chriost Ri who wish their children prepare to receive their First Holy Communion in May, 2016.
Parish Choir: will return next weekend. New members are always welcome
The Sacrament of the Anointing after the 10.00 am Mass next Sat. 5th Sept.
First Friday: On Thursday & Friday of this week Fr. Kerry & Fr. Billy will visit the sick & the housebound at the usual times.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Phyllis Kelleher , High St., Theresa Curtin, Curragh Rd. & Kieran Bullman, Connolly Rd. who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families.
Positive psychology – mindfulness +relaxation classes ,commencing in Turners Cross Community Centre ,Curragh Road,(next to credit union) on Monday 7th September from 7.30 to 9pm. Total cost 70euro for 6 week course. Contact Judy Phelan at 085 7142944
The Library will be open next weekend to return a book and get one !!