19th July 2015 – 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)

sheep-wihout-a-shepherd_t_nvSheep without  A Shepherd
Jesus felt sorry for the people, and set himself to teach them at some length.  They were lost, dejected, like sheep without a shepherd, like we all feel at times.  He still sets himself to teach us, through prayer, sacred scripture and liturgy.  When we allow him to teach us, when we are prepared to listen to his voice, then even when we feel a bit tired and dejected,  we are strenghened to witness to his gospel message.

Diocesan Quarterly Collection at all Masses this weekend. 18th/19th July for the diocesan office and diocesan initiatives. The central fund currently operates at an annual deficit of over €250,000

Premier Intermediate Football Championship
Nemo v Kiskeam  Sun 19th July Macroom at 3.00 pm

Men’s Shed for Ballyphehane and surrounding areas:  “The Shed” is located on Tory Top Road and men are welcome.

The Alzheimer Society  are looking  for sponsored runners and walkers for The Echo Women’s Mini-marathon on 27th Sept.

St Dominic’s Retreat Centre, Ennismore: “Mindfulness and Healing” – Martina Lehane Sheehan – a few places left on this retreat from Wed 22nd  July – Sun 26th July.  021-4502520 or e-mail ennismore@eircom.net.

Lough Derg 2015: Last day of the Three Day Pilgrimage is Thursday 13th August. Pilgrims can begin their pilgrimage any day up until then.  No need to book. Information available at www.loughderg.org <http://www.loughderg.org/>  or phone 071 9861518.

Y2K_Summer2015_A4-724x1024Youth 2000 Summer Festival, Cistercian College, Roscrea, from 13th–16th August  For young people aged 16-35.  Find out what your Catholic faith is all about in a friendly, chilled out atmosphere.  The festival is donation only.  Free buses from Cork.  For information and on line booking see  <http://www.youth2000.ie/>   or phone 01 6753690.