5th July 2015 – 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)

jesus-in-nazarethLack of Faith in Nazareth
Jesus was amazed at the lack of faith in his home town. He also experienced rejection by the leaders of the people, and even among his own disciples.  His message of love for all does not suit everybody and we see rejection of Our Lord in our own time and place. We pray: Lord, make our faith strong and generous.

Library:  Will be open this weekend 4th/5th July after the weekend Masses.

Deaths.  We remember in our prayers Donal Murphy, Capwell Road and Rachel Corbett, who died recently and we extend our sympathy to their families.

Ministers of the Eucharist: can collect their rota for the coming weeks in the Sacristy

The Role of the Priest in Evangelisation: Conference in St. Patrick’s College,
Maynooth, Monday 6th July 2015. Keynote Address by Bishop Dominique Rey (Fréjus-Toulon, France). To book contact Mairin at 087 7950325 or email caoifrain@hotmail.com.