28th June 2015 – 13th Sunday of Ordinary Time (B)

FullSizeRenderPopes Collection:  will be taken up this weekend  27/28th June.    The Collection unites us in solidarity with Pope Francis and his works of charity towards  those who are suffering around the world.                                                      In his recent Encyclical  Laudato si’ (Praise be to you) – He inspires us to make the world “our common home”. a better place  “The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his boundless affection for us”                              Highlights on Parish website    www.turnerscross.com   

Library:   Will be open next weekend 4th/5th July after the weekend Masses

Trocaire:  The Director of Trocaire Éamonn Meehan has written to thank the People of Turner’s Cross for their generous contribution to the Trocaire Lenten Appeal.  Letter on Parish Assembly notice board.

The Sacrament of Anointing:  after the 10am Mass next Saturday 4th July

First Friday: Frs. Kerry & Billy will visit the sick and the housebound -Thursday & Friday this week