The Vine & the Branches: Today’s gospel offers us an image of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. Disciple literally means one who is learning, a good attitude to carry through life. The way one learns from another is by observing what they do by trying to capture some of the spirit which animates them, in short by being with them. And this is precisely what the image of the vine and the branches intends to convey, namely, that it is by keeping company with the Lord, who is forever present in the Church, that we grow as followers of his. Our Proclaim’ 15 programme will help us to do just that.
PROCLAIM 15 – proclaiming Christ in 2015. A three week programme of short faith and scripture reflections will be available in the parish for the first three weeks in May, leading up to Pentecost Sunday. The sessions are faithful to the call of Pope Francis’ document “The Joy of the Gospel,” Members of the Parish Assembly will have copies for you (a single sheet) as you leave Mass. The material is suitable to help personal reflection and for use in small groups, e.g. at home in a family setting, or a gathering of friends and can be completed in half an hour or less. There will also be public sessions in the Parish Centre at 8pm on the three Wednesday evenings beginning 6th May, these may last a bit longer. Each session begins with a story of a modern faith experience that is mirrored in a passage of Scripture. A reflection and some questions are offered, followed by words of Pope Francis. The sessions conclude with prayer and ideas for action. We invite Parishioners to try this out.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Sheila Ahern, Evergreen Rd, Siobhan O’Connor, Upper Doyle Rd. John O’Halloran, Capwell Rd & Nancy Kelly, late of O’Connell Ave, who died recently We extend our sympathy to their families
Parish Pilgrimage to Mount Melleray Abbey. A Parish Pilgrimage to Mount Melleray is planned for Pentecost Sunday 24th May, when we will pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our Parish and on our Church. Bus will depart from Evergreen Road at 12noon approximately, return for 7.00 pm, refreshments at the Abbey. Cost € 10.00, names and payment may be given in to Sacristy.
Alzheimer Society Saturday Club, 9 th MAY at Bessboro 2pm With :CELTIC CEOL . All Welcome. information 4972504
Our Lady Crowned Parish Mayfield presents Finbar Wright in concert on Sun. May 10th at 8pm. He will be joined by Niamh O’Sullivan (soprano). Proceeds go towards the cost of necessary remedial work on the church roof. Tickets are available from Our Lady Crowned parish office (4551276) or Our Lady Crowned Credit Union.
Those doing Exams are remembered in our Shared Mass every Friday at 10am. Special Cards are available in the Sacristy for those doing and preparing for exams.
Second Collection for the Pastoral Development office in the Diocese
The annual collection is to fund the work of the above will be taken up next weekend 9th/10th May. This annual collection funds the costs of training for parish assemblies and pastoral councils; ministry to young people and young adults; training for parish ministries such as baptism preparation teams, parish catechists, funeral teams; and resources for ongoing formation such as courses, talks and conferences for clergy and laity.
Choral Festival: as part of the Cork Choral Festival we welcome The Bel-Canto Choir from Canada who will sing at our 12noon Mass this weekend.
Rosary at Ballyphane Grotto: members of the Legion of Mary will recite the rosary on Monday nights at 8.30pm during the month of May excluding this Bank Holiday Monday. It will be said this Tuesday. All are welcome.

“Bishop Buckley’s Pastoral “Marriage & the Family” some missed getting a copy last weekend. We got extra copies they are available in the Sacristy. We encourage all to read and reflect on what He said before we vote on the 22nd May For full text of Pastoral see Notices on this website.
Peru Mission on Wed. May 20th next, a Mass will be concelebrated at St. Patrick’s Church, Rochestown, Cork at 7pm A Celebration of Thanksgiving for all who have contributed in any way to the work of the mission – the missionaries, the Peruvian people and the people of Cork and Ross, Kerry, Cloyne and beyond, who generously supported the mission over 50 years. Especially remembered and named at the Mass will be the missionaries who have died. While all are welcome to attend, particularly welcome will be relatives of those who served in Peru and who have since died. After the Mass, refreshments will be served at the Rochestown Park Hotel.