God’s House
In today’s Gospel we find the gentle Jesus very cross, a whip in his hand. Why is he so angry? He is angry because of what is going on in his Father’s house, the sacred temple. The picture we get of the temple resembles more a modern day shopping centre than a place of prayer, a reminder of the presence of God among his people. ‘You are turning my Father’s house into a market place.” As I reflect on this Gospel scene, I wonder what Jesus would feel about the way we behave sometimes when we gather in His House. I wonder if he came into some special occasion like First Holy Communion, Confirmation, Marriage etc. Sometimes on these occasions I feel it’s like an interval in the theater or a match or in the super market, rather than in a place of prayer.
I have no doubt Jesus would want us to greet one another when we gather in Church. He was always making people feel welcome, but he would also want the atmosphere in His House conducive to prayer. He would want us to remember we are in God’s presence and we should show respect.
Bishops Commissions Collection at Masses next weekend 14/15th March, helps fund the work of the Irish Bishops Conference and its agencies and commissions. These include Emigrants, Justice & Peace, Communications, CURA, Child Protection etc.
Are the Ten Commandments outmoded?
NO, the Commandments in our first reading are by no means the product of a particular time. They express humankinds’ fundamental obligations toward God and neighbor, which are always and everywhere valid. The Ten Commandments are commandments of reason just as they are also part of the binding Revelation of God. They are so fundamentally binding that no one can be dispensed from keeping these commandments.
Mothers Day is next Sunday 15th March. The 12 noon Mass on the day will be offered for all Mothers living and deceased. Special Cards will be available in the sacristy and the office during the week and this weekend.
Deaths: We remember in our prayers Sean Moynihan, Curragh Rd, Paddy Horgan, Slieve Mish Pk. and Tony Kelly, formerly Derrynane Rd who died recently. We extend our sympathy to their families
Marriage Encounter: Keep your Marriage Healthy. Busy life–Not enough quality time for the two of you? If your answer is – “YES”. a Marriage Encounter Weekend! could be for you. It will help rekindle and enrich the love and joys you share together. Next weekend takes place in the Cork International Hotel from 17-19th April. www.marriageencounter.ie phone 086 8334382
Pro-Life: There will be a pro-life event outside the Dáil on Wed. 11th March 7-8pm, challenging media bias on the abortion issue. In one fortnight recently, 33 articles appeared in national newspapers pushing for more abortion, with just 1 pro-life article during the same period. Please attend this event. For more information or to get bus information, call: 087 266 8702
Pope Francis: We remember in our prayers Pope Francis as he celebrates the 2nd anniversary of his election as Pope this coming Friday 13th March
Confessions: Saturdays: after the 10am Mass & after Saturday Vigil Mass or ask one of the priests at any time.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: A Parish pilgrimage to the Holy Land is in the planning for the 21st October 2016 with a flight direct from Shannon to Tel Aviv – a trip of a lifetime. If you are interested give your name in the Sacristy as we would like to have numbers before we offer places to other parishes.
Position available for General Operative at Ursuline Convent, Blackrock Community employment eligibility applies. duties to include: gardening, light paint work, ground maintenance, light repairs Garda vetting applies Please forward cv to cstack@bessborough.ie
Parish Assembly: will meet on Monday 9th March in the Parish Center at 8pm. Agenda can be collected in the Sacristy.
Spring Dues: We would appreciate if the Area Collectors would collect the envelopes for their areas next weekend 14/15th March. in the Sacristy.
Lent: Weekday Masses 10am & 6pm. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Wednesdays after the 10.00 am Mass until 11.00 am. Morning & Evening Prayer of the Church on Fridays during Lent after the 10am & 6pm Masses
St Josephs Young Priests Society Monthly meeting on this Tues. 10th March after the 10am Mass in the Parish Centre.